Day 10 Caterpillar

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Today you’ll focus on training your shoulders and you’ll work on balance! You’ll also be trying the Caterpillar for the first time! Remember, I want you to work on it low from the ground first. I also recommend watching my Veena’s tips for caterpillar before giving it a go.

No worries if it doesn’t happen today, this is just practice. Give yourself 3 to 6 tries using both grips then move on from the Caterpillar finishing with the Flowmotion stretch routine, or choose your own full body stretches using the stretching section.

Below are direct links to all of the related tutorials for the day.

The stands

Workout descending scissor Give this 2 tries

Calf raises 2 sets of 15 reps

Caterpillar 3-6 attempts on both sides (if you feel secure) but don’t do anymore than 6 per side.


  1. well today was the day I been waiting for since I started the program. I work in a school and I had agreed to run a hula hoop game station for all the grades during field day. well when I finished work today I was totally exhausted from being outside in the sun today. I even told my coworker that I would probably wait till tomorrow to do my caterpillar program. well after I got home and rested a while and ate I decided I didn’t wanna get myself in a place where I’d feel bad about not following through on my commitment to do this program so I did it! well I am sad to say that I could not do the caterpillar. I got through the stands workout and by the time it was time for me to try I was just wiped out. felt like my strength was all gone. gave it about 3 tried and realized I have to go back to the reverse handstand to strengthen my body more. but I am not giving up! I can totally see the caterpillar and other fabulous moves in my future. thanks Veena for this program, it is helping me to learn more about my body and my limitations.

  2. You still have tons of days left to work on the caterpillar!! By day ten if someone can caterpillar even without being tired from a long day, that would be impressive!! Keep at it💜

  3. The day 10, all listed lessons seems to be very helpful to me. I have been stuck in the same place for a long, not to be able to do clean caterpillar and many other tricks. I will work on The Stand Routine constantly. Thanks!

  4. I can get into a basic invert, but when it’s time for me to caterpillar, my arms just aren’t strong enough no matter how tight I squeeze my legs, does this mean I’m not squeezing enough? My whole body just feels so heavy that I can’t do anything with my arms.

  5. I could mean you are not squeezing as much as you think, it could also be that you are not placing the hands right before you push up. This program will help you build the strength you need so keep at it!! If you would like to post a video so I can help trouble shoot please do.