Day 1

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Off pole conditioning
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Beginner tutorials
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Advanced tutorials
Off pole conditioning
Flexibility tutorials
Hula hoop, chair, and hammock tutorials
30 Day programs
Get help from Veena herself
100% access to all tutorials on StudioVeena.Com

The descriptions are where you’ll find your suggested sets and repetitions for each day. Sometimes you’ll also find a list of direct links to each related tutorial listed for that day. You only need to click on these if you’d like more information such as Descriptions, other related tutorials and Muscle groups used. So, if you feel you need more help or info on any day, these description links can help you out.

For today there will be no sets or reps as you’ll be following along with the warm up.

Click the link for the Easy beginner warm up if you’d like more information or to test how the links work.

I’d like to point out, you can leave a comment or question on any tutorial anytime you need help. You’re also welcome to say hello, or let me know you when you’ve completed the session. I’d love to hear from you!


  1. Day 1 done!!! After a 2 month break for my mind and body, I decided to start my pole journey from scratch again. I felt that my foundations were not solid, I was rushing to get the tricks and the “fun” stuff, and that led to injury and burnout. And Social Media pressure. I don’t want to repeat the same error. Thank you Veena for always being loyal to your safe, progressive teaching 💜

  2. You are so welcome. And I get it, social media is a beast at times. I deleted my personal FB and it was the best decision for my mental health. This means I no longer have a SV page that is active but it hasn’t affecting anything, which is why I felt like I couldn’t leave. I’m so happy your back! 🥰

  3. I saw someone on TikTok who lost a ton of weight doing this and suggested your site. Then I found you on TikTok because I’m kind of obsessed now. Lol. I just finished day one and am shocked at how sore and tired I am after that short beginner video. I’ve got a lot of work to do! But I’m so excited!

  4. Hello, I’m new to this website and to pole dancing. I have had a rough time juggling work, internship and school. I decided to take a leave of absence from school as I have had 0 ability to do physical activity and i have been feeling mentally drain. I just finish my first lesson, i decided that if i could keep up with the no pole sessions on the 20th day i would get a pole for the next steps. I’m looking forward for this journey and to finally do something new and active for myself 😊

  5. That’s great! I hope you find exercise to be helpful. It’s wonderful for boosting your mood and mental health. Let me know if you have any questions.

  6. I am so happy you did this beginner programs. My second baby will soon be 4 month old and I was looking for a slow but solid start, a reliable and good structured training that really helps in building slowly but surely my strength back and at the same time allows me to pay attention in keeping proper form to avoid causing some damage to my body. Thank you for the wonderful job you are doing 😊

  7. Hello I am new to the website, I have a very old Carmen Electra dance pole that was bought years ago and rarely used, it is set up in my out building and has always separated in the center where it screws together. So I am constantly having to stop and tighten it back up. I want to purchase one of the free standing poles, but my ceilings are not that high I live in a mobile home. I am also having problems out of my left shoulder and want to start with something easy to strengthen my shoulders and hands. I just did the day one No Pole Beginner program, but at my age and fitness level getting on my knees on the floor is not happening. Maybe in the future but not right now. SO I am going to start with the No Pole Beginner Program first, I just don’t feel that I am ready for the dance pole yet.

  8. If it helps you could try using a folded yoga mat under your knees. Sounds like the no pole program is a good place to start 🙂 I’m here if you have any questions.

  9. Hi Veena, Im going to start this tomorrow. This year has been rough for me, My dad passed away feb. 25th this year then 3 months later my younger sister committed suicide. its been hard emotionally.

  10. Hi, Veena! Just coming back to pole finally. I was bummed to sign back in and see how far I had gotten, but grateful to just be back. It started with computer troubles (I needed a new one), and that just threw off my momentum and discipline accessing the lessons. Ugh….I have learned how important pole is to me to my life’s journey so i’m just grateful I have the function of my body to even be able to start again! Thank you for providing this gift and service to us.

  11. After back surgery in December 2021 my surgeon has given me permission to start exercising again, I’ve been doing Pilates daily for the last month but now I’m ready for a bit more, I fully expect to have to repeat this program a few times before I can get through it let alone have permission to move back onto the pole but anything worth doing is worth doing right. I

  12. I am also restarting the program. I nursed my mom till she lost her cancer fight. I manage a chronic illness so sometimes I have to push more but I’m excited to really work through the basics. I took lessons locally until my mom needed constant care. I’ve watched your videos but never had the chance to really work. Now I am ready.

  13. My pole studio is closing for renovation pretty soon for 3 months and my pole at home isn’t safe to use because I have metal joists under my drywall ceiling but I’m still expected to practice. So I plan to make this my practice 3-4 times per week. I’ve spread it out so that this program ends up being 3 months for me.

  14. I’ve been putting off any of these videos due to a feeling of dread and not knowing where to start. I always felt rushed at the studio, especially whenever I would take breaks and needed to start back from the beginning to regain strength.
    I just finished day one and there was no need to dread these videos.