Level 2 Fancy Crucifix and pole sit Combo (Routine) STATIC AND SPIN
ROUTINE length 28 seconds
In this video you’ll learn how to turn a combination of moves into a dance routine.
Can you see the difference between “going through the motions” in the first half and when I connect the moves with arms and flow into and out of the transitions?
Watch the video through, then follow along at minute 1:23. When you know the order of moves try it in real time (TIP use a whiteboard and wright down the moves in order).
REAL TIME WITH MUSIC IS AT MINUTE 2:25. There is a spinning pole example but it’s not expected that you do this right away, feel free to try if you like but no worries if you don’t feel ready. You can choose to use the Basic pole climb or Performance pole climb.
Below is a list of direct links for each of the tutorials used.