Day 11 spin pole

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It’s time for Planks and Laybacks. Beginners choose beginner level moves like sits, climbs, forearm sit or beginner level spins to work with. Click here to see all the beginner trick you can choose from.

If you’re not a beginner, and if you prefer one layback over the other, choose the one you feel most secure with.

Begin with the Performance ready warm up, then on to the Spinning pole drill #1 using sits or climbs or Spins as a beginner. Otherwise work on Planks and Laybacks.

Timestamps for spinning pole and direct links are listed below.

Basic planks 3:42

Cross knee release layback 6:26

Cross ankle release layback 4:11


  1. Enjoyed practicing Planks and Cross Knee Release yesterday. I definitely tend to combine the techniques of looking at the pole or my own body and “letting it blur”. The faster I spin, the more I let it blur, but if I start to feel “lost” I will look at the pole or a hand or foot in order to “find” myself in space.