Day 15 Take Off
Pole sit Try this 5 times switching sides (top leg)
Basic pole climb Try this 5 times switching sides (arm and leg)
Under turns Try this 5 times going both directions
Pole back bend Try this 5 times switching sides
Forearm extensions 1 Set of 15 Reps
Up and Over stretch Use movement stretching working in your ROM moving slowly 3-6 times
Press stretch 1 set holding for 30 seconds
So fun to do more work on the pole! Is it normal to not be able to do more than like 5 pole sits if I haven’t done them in months? So painful!
Totally normal!
I love the pole sits on spin pole
all done!!!
I’m getting a lot of elbow pain after coming out of my pole holds. Do I just need to get stronger or is this generally caused by poor form?
It’s not common for a pole hold to cause elbow pain. Do you have an existing injury?
If you’re able take a video and send a link so I can see if any adjustments need to be made.
For now here’s a video with more tips for pole hold that might help you troubleshoot
Here’s my video. 1st I do a climb (on both sides) with my elbows driving toward each other, then I show how I was doing it before. I think my issue was coming back too far and letting my joints take the pressure instead of letting my biceps work. What do you think?
Sorry for the slow reply, I’ve been sick so I slept in 🙂
Driving the elbows in will provide more power and stability so that’s a great catch on your part, good job! Flaring the arms out doesn’t allow for the muscle to engage in the same way so little twinges can happen. However, it does lead me to think maybe you have some tightness going on in the near the triceps or scapula. Try doing the Under arm massage and forearm rolls before you do your pole holds or climbs next time. See if it feels any better.
You can save those videos to your Favorites on your profile here that way you don’t have to look for them each time. Let me know if you have any questions.