Forums Discussions hi from england

  • hi from england

    Posted by danikeen on August 7, 2009 at 4:20 pm

    hi everyone i am super excited to have joined this website so i can pick up all tips and tricks. I am from a place called wigan which is in manchester, i live at home with my parents, im 21 ohhhh i no i need to move out lol but i honestly dont want to untill i am financially stable and with the way i spend that wont be happening any time soon lol. So i started pole about 7 weeks ago and absolutly love it i have one lesson per week and its just no enough, its like the highlight of the week 4 me. I am looking to make this a career and follow the likes of katie coats she is an amazing poler, i am looking forward to purchesing my xpole so i can practice at home, i get so excited about getting it. as soon as i get my pole i will deffo be posting more pic and deffo videos

    happy poleing love danielle xxxxx

    p1nkpr1ncess replied 15 years, 1 month ago 8 Members · 7 Replies
  • 7 Replies
  • Trena

    August 7, 2009 at 4:49 pm

    hi and welcome!
    First of all, dont be so hard on yourself!!!!!! 21 is still very young, there is no rush for you to move out of your parents just yet! As long as you and your parents are ok with it then what harm?! I know plenty of people a lot older than you who are living with their parents and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with it! I think you’re right to wait til you’re financially stable.
    Anyway sorry about prattling on there!
    There’s another girl here from Manchester, her name is Lousiax, you might wana say hi to her. She’s lovely!
    Cant wait to see pics and vids whenever you get your pole

  • violet

    August 9, 2009 at 6:18 pm
  • Veena

    August 10, 2009 at 4:35 pm

    Hellooooo, nice to have you with us.

  • Sarahc

    August 12, 2009 at 6:55 pm


    Im not far from you, I’m from Stafford. Well its not exactly close… but its closer than most on here!!

    I was exactly the same as you, just one lesson a week. But felt it was no where near enough, so I bought myself a pole which is now positioned perfectly in my living room its definitely worth it. And this site is great for picking up hints and tips. I love it!

  • CodeAngel

    August 13, 2009 at 7:31 am

    Hi ya!

    I’m from England too, though quite far from you, I’m from SE London.
    I think 21 is a fine age to still be at home with parents and waiting until you’re financially stable is a very sensible idea……’re young…enjoy your money!

    Although I joined this site in Jan, I didnt actually start using it til July ( I kinda forgot about it til the daily updates started) so I’m still very new to it all!

    I look forward to your first vid, maybe I”ll post my first one soon too….just havent plucked up the courage, only just put some piccy’s on yesterday, still baby steps are better than nothing!

    Good luck with your training,

  • loopielou

    August 14, 2009 at 7:54 am

    Hi there

    I’m not far from you at all – near Leeds. Where do you have your classes then?

    Nothing wrong with living at home hun – especially with things as they are at the minute – save your pennies up and…… buy a pole!!!!! As long as you have a pole everything else will be fine

  • p1nkpr1ncess

    August 18, 2009 at 4:06 pm

    Hi to you from Hull UK! Glad to see there are some other fellow UK pole-ers here!

    I can’t wait to get my X-Pole either – getting it for my birthday but that’s not for another 3 months! ARGGGHHHHHHHH! Once a week is just not enough is it? I get so excited every Wednesday about my hour of poling! Lol.

    ~*~ Vicki ~*~

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