Forums Discussions Hello from Georgia

  • Hello from Georgia

    Posted by beactric1 on August 14, 2009 at 1:28 am

    Hi my name is Felisha and I am new to this site. I found it browsing for pole lessons. I am looking to make so new friends and learn a thing or two. I’m from Georgia and love to go to the strip clubs here but I am terrified to get up there myself and make a fool out of myself. I went and bought a pole and put it in my place, it’s not one with screws so I am a little afraid that I may get one and it falls down but I guess there’s gonna be a lot of falling for me anyway. I don’t know what to do about my hands, they start sweating everytime I get on it so I am never able to stay up and it hurts rubbing up my skin, the pole that is. It seems to feel like carpet burn or something so I figured I would put baby gel on and then get on but sweat on my hand and then baby gel tpouching the poles does not help me hold on. Does anyone have any suggestions for me and if your interesting in making a new friend then please go and add me and if time send me a message.

    Trena replied 15 years ago 5 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • perrylilac

    August 14, 2009 at 2:07 am

    Hi Beactric1
    Welcome! You will really love the girls, and guys, here. They are all so encouraging and fun. Pole burn comes with the territory, lol. I’ve kind of gotten used to it myself. If you have a real problem with sweaty hands there are products out there to help you with that. I haven’t tried any, I usually just use the towel I use to clean my pole with and wipe my hands off. Good Luck with the poling, I can’t wait to see your progress!!

  • Castleoutsider

    August 14, 2009 at 2:52 am

    hehe =) georgia huh ^^
    most of the studios are in ATL =\
    im up here in NC if u wanna come check us out =D hehe

    as far as pole burn goes shes right. heh comes with the territory. if the burn is on ur wrist.. its how you’re holding the pole. some girls were wrist bands, u know like sweat bands and it helps pretty well ^^ i hope that helps you.

    welcome to studio veena ^^!!

  • violet

    August 14, 2009 at 6:18 am

    I had that problem too, first starting. The constant sweaty hands is more of a nervous type response (i think so anyway)… it will get better as you get comfortable doing moves. Thats how my body worked at least, its different for everyone! You can also try grip aids if you want to go that route. There is a thread about it in one of the forum sections, cant think which one off hand. Sorry. But if you would rather go au natural just keep a hand towel near by and just keep wiping them off.
    As far as the pole burn goes, your skin will adjust to it, it cant really be helped. Its a part of learning. It WILL get better though, promise! Just work thru it

  • Trena

    August 14, 2009 at 7:07 pm

    Hi and welcome!
    As the girls have said, sweaty hands are totally normal. It does improve with time though. (Well you will still get sweaty hands but hopefully it wont be so bad!) What kind of pole did you get?

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