Forums Discussions new to pole dancing

  • new to pole dancing

    Posted by climbergirl on August 23, 2009 at 3:00 am

    hello everyone. I am from Nashville, TN, and I am new to studio veena and new to pole dancing. I have wanted to learn how to pole dance for a couple of years, and a few weeks ago, I decided it was time. I bought myself an x-pole and my husband and I installed it in our bedroom a couple of days ago. I’m teaching myself how to use it with videos from youtube and soon I’m gonna get a 30 day membership to studioveena. I have learned about 8 spins so far, and i really like it, but I’m surprised at how slippery the pole is. I am a rock climber and have a lot of upper body strength, so I don’t have a lot of trouble pulling myself up on the pole, but it is a matter of my hands and legs slipping. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to keep from slipping? I really want to learn inverts and more difficult poses.

    aWiiPeanut replied 15 years, 4 months ago 8 Members · 18 Replies
  • 18 Replies
  • Veena

    August 23, 2009 at 3:45 am

    Hi, Welcome! Making sure you pole is nice and warm will help prevent slipping, a nice clean pole and clean hands are a must too. Check out this article about your pole and how the climate can affect it.

  • p1nkpr1ncess

    August 23, 2009 at 7:16 am

    Hi, and welcome!

    I am new to pole dancing too but I already love it! Can’t wait to get my X Pole! At our classes we tend to have to clean the pole a lot to help with the grip and smetimes use chalk if the grip is really bad. I always seem to be wiping the pole down so it’s not just you

    Hope you enjoy it here

  • EVamp83

    August 23, 2009 at 9:12 am

    Hey girl, welcome to the site! Just like p1nkpr1ncess I’m wiping down and cleaning the pole constantly. And as a final straw I use gym chalk. If your pole is warm, clean and grease-free, and you still have trouble with grip, you could take a look at the thread about grip-aids ( I bet you’ll find something that works for you. A lot of us have grip issues!! You’re definitely not alone in this
    Good luck!

  • climbergirl

    August 23, 2009 at 2:42 pm

    thanks everyone! Yeah, i already wash my hands before i start and spray my pole off with windex. I keep a towel nearby and have to wipe it and my hands off often. It does help, but once i get into it and start to get sweaty, i spend a lot of time wiping down. I’m also a rock climber so i have lots of chalk around. I’ve started to use it some too when i get sweaty. I may try making some liquid chalk out of alcohol and chalk, I’ll let you know how that works. It is fun having a group of people to talk with about this stuff.

  • simulpole

    August 23, 2009 at 4:15 pm

    Hi climbergirl! I’m new to pole dancing, too, and I am also a rock climber. I’ve been climbing since 1998 and poling since this past June. But like you, I’ve noticed the transition is very natural given our strength base from rock climbing. My biggest issue is getting over the pain of pole kisses. yeowch!

  • climbergirl

    August 24, 2009 at 2:50 am

    hi there fellow rock climber. I’ve been climbing on and off since 1988. Where do you live? I have only been poling for a few days, but I agree that the transition is easy from climbing. But I think that it is painful trying to sit on the pole, it does give me pole hickies on my inner thighs. I haven’t been able to stand to let go with my hands yet. i’m looking forward to being able to do some inversions and more athletic tricks.

  • simulpole

    August 24, 2009 at 12:23 pm

    I’ve lived and climbed all over, but presently we live in the Washington DC Metro area. There isn’t a whole lot of quality climbing nearby, but there are some shorter crags along the Potomac for quick day trips. We lived in CA prior to our move last winter. As you know there was tons of climbing for us out there. Before CA we were in IN for graduate school. It was common to take trips down to Red River Gorge. That is definitely my favorite place to climb. But I’ve done a little bit of climbing down near you: Tennessee Wall, Looking Glass, Rumbling Bald. Fun stuff!

    I am beginning to "get used to" the pole sitting pain, though I doubt it will ever "feel good." I can let go of my hands when I’m sitting w/ my ankle hooked behind the pole. But if its unhooked, I need my hands. I guess more ab work is in order. Will our inner thigh hickies ever quit appearing?

  • climbergirl

    August 24, 2009 at 2:49 pm

    I have relatives in the DC area. I LOVE the red river gorge. I was actually just there for 8 days, and am going back for about the same amount of time over labor day. We have been going there for about 4 years, and we always camp at Miguels. I wonder if we actually know each other. My name is Shannon Marlowe and a lot of people know my son Max marlowe. I don’t know if we are actually supposed to tell each other our real names, but I don’t see the harm in it, in this instance.

    I’ll have to try to hook my ankle around the pole. I’ve never tried it that way. I think I am gonna try to learn how to do the gemini soon. It looks really cool. i’m gonna use my sons crash pads, so as not to bust my head open I’m sure some new thigh hickies are waiting me

  • simulpole

    August 24, 2009 at 11:51 pm

    Oh how cool! RRG lovers!! I don’t recognize your name or your son’s. But its been quite a while since I was last at the Red. My last trip was probably early 2004. I miss it a lot. Perhaps as we get to know each other we should arrange a meet up at the Red. It’s about an 8 hour drive for me. I’m actually dying to get back there b/c the Red is where I learned most of my climbing. I’ve improved immensely since climbing there last and I would love to go back to my favorite crags and see how I do now: roadside, dip wall, left flank, long wall, phantasia, global village. Oh man, the nostalgia. And Miguels … YUM! Have you seen this?

    A crashpad is an excellent idea. The woman I pole w/ is a new climber and she always jokes she wants a harness and rope to feel a bit more comfortable. Oh, and my name is Shelley.

  • climbergirl

    August 25, 2009 at 3:40 am

    Hi Shelley,

    I love me some red river gorge We have great climbing in Tennessee, but the red is my kind of climbing, I love the overhanging jug hauls. I’ve climbed at many of the crags you mentioned. I haven’t climbed at any of the trad places you mentioned (i.e. fortress or long wall). some of my favorites are roadside, lots of places in muir valley, military and left flank, drive-by and the motherlode. It is only a 4.5 hr drive for me so, my family and i go there often. Usually my whole family climbs, but this summer my husband has had a blown finger tendon, and my son is taking a break from climbing, so I am the only one climbing at the moment. I had to find a new climbing partner, which has been good for me, cause it forced me to lead harder than i had previously. I would usually let my husband be rope gun and i would top rope. But, my new climbing partner pushes me, which has been good.

    I’m so excited about learning more on my pole. I’m kind of addicted. My problem is that i exercise so much btw climbing, running, pole dance, yoga (oh yea, i’m also a yoga teacher), that I find i’m always sore. And, I’m impatient. I want to learn all the hard moves Now! Well I gotta run. Have a great night!


  • Angeee

    August 29, 2009 at 2:06 am

    I am new to Pole Dance. I would appreciate any advice or comments on Poles. I plan to purchase one next week.

  • climbergirl

    August 29, 2009 at 2:34 am

    Hi Angee,

    I did some research before I bought my pole and everything I read, said to buy the x-pole. So, I did. I have been very happy with it. It seems secure, and well made. My advice is once you buy one, don’t overdo working out on it. I was so gung ho, that my wrists and forearms are soo sore. I haven’t been able to get on it in days. Good luck, and enjoy!

  • Angeee

    August 29, 2009 at 2:48 am

    Thank you for your reply. I keep hearing about Platinum poles so I have been doing a lot of research on dance poles. I noticed that your a Yoga teacher too.


  • PoleDanceABCs

    August 29, 2009 at 6:45 am
  • climbergirl

    August 29, 2009 at 3:14 pm

    Hi Angee,

    I saw the platinum poles too, they were just too expensive for me to buy. And yes, I’m a yoga teacher. I just got certified in vinyasa flow yoga in June. Are you interested in yoga?

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