Forums Discussions Knee Hold

  • Knee Hold

    Posted by jeng on August 23, 2009 at 1:49 pm

    well after staying off the pole for a bit after my injury I’m back at it today. I was previously practicing the knee hold and well the pain and bruising it insane. I almost have to wait over a week at a time to practice it because of this.

    I haven’t found the "sweet spot" yet.

    Does the bruising and pain ever go away with this move since there is so much pressure on the botton leg/knee?

    Trena replied 15 years, 1 month ago 9 Members · 13 Replies
  • 13 Replies
  • RoxyPink

    August 23, 2009 at 2:54 pm

    Hey Jeng! I was the same when I was first learning the knee hold…but yes the pain and bruising go away…before you know it you will be able to do them every day!!

  • Giabella

    August 24, 2009 at 3:41 pm

    I still get mad bruising, but I do bruise easily and am 6 foot and weigh alot, so I thought it was just me good to know But once when you find the spot the pain does lessen!

  • Trena

    August 24, 2009 at 4:05 pm

    The pain and bruising will definately go away and you’ll be left with a lovely knee hold!

  • Meleania

    August 24, 2009 at 10:17 pm

    Ive been trying to find the sweet spot for a year. I can only get like 1 try in a week cuz it hurts so bad =/

  • joni1

    August 25, 2009 at 2:43 am

    I tried the knee hold for the first time last week and couldn’t hook my higher leg on the pole . It just kept slipping. And my bottom knee was in excruciating pain. I also ended up with wicked bruises on the side of my knee cap. DERMABLEND worked great in hiding the bruises as I was wearing a short skirt to a club with my husband. He didn’t want people thinking that he had beaten me up. Anyways, there is a sweet spot? Where approximately is it? Where should I be gripping my knees? By far,the knee hold is the most painful move to date that I have tried. THANKS,Joni

  • violet

    August 25, 2009 at 3:03 am

    I tried the knee hold for the first time last week and couldn’t hook my higher leg on the pole . It just kept slipping. And my bottom knee was in excruciating pain. I also ended up with wicked bruises on the side of my knee cap. DERMABLEND worked great in hiding the bruises as I was wearing a short skirt to a club with my husband. He didn’t want people thinking that he had beaten me up. Anyways, there is a sweet spot? Where approximately is it? Where should I be gripping my knees? By far,the knee hold is the most painful move to date that I have tried. THANKS,Joni

    Honestly I dont really believe in the sweet spot as a actual spot on your body. Ive never found a "sweet spot" with any move. Its more like, after lots of practice and working thru pain your body adjusts and you can do it.

    I had that problem with the top leg slipping as well when i first started trying the Knee Hold. The leg slipping is probably due to your body being too upright when getting into the move, you want to make sure your top arm is fully extended outwards so you are near parallel with the floor.

    I still havent got over the pain of the bottom leg pressing against the pole. Pain is right up there with the Superman! Keep at it and good luck

  • Veena

    August 25, 2009 at 3:14 am

    I posted this awhile back when polenagger had a question about it. Its not terribly explanatory but here you go. What ever you do stay off the knee cap….the pole goes below the knee cap, not on.

  • joni1

    August 25, 2009 at 1:51 pm

    Thanks Veena and Violet, great vid and advice. I realize that I wasn’t hooking my top leg high enough and that I was upright with elbows bent trying to get into the move. Also, I hooking my bottom leg at the side of my knee cap at the boney area. I’m gonna try again. Thanks, Joni

  • Trena

    August 26, 2009 at 12:49 am

    When I was trying knee hold first I could never seem to get my inside leg high enough on the pole to get an adequate grip. So one day while trying double knee hold I suddenly had a "Eureka" moment and decided to try regular knee hold from gemini. I felt that maybe going into gemini might increase the grip behind my knee. And you know what? It worked!!! Veena’s video helped me too because I watched it and remembered that she had said to push my hips forward and cross my feet at the ankles. Here, have a look at my video if you want. Sorry about the dorkyness! I was just mega excited!!! Ignore the move I do first, thats my feeble attempt at the double knee hold (genie).
    P.S. You need to be pretty confident in gemini before you try this and always have cushions around the pole in case you fall.

  • Veena

    August 26, 2009 at 3:49 pm

    OH Trena….I always forget about getting into the knee hold from gemini! Thanks for the post.

  • Trena

    August 27, 2009 at 2:51 pm
  • miss fern

    August 28, 2009 at 12:05 pm

    I’ve been trying the knee hold both from the ground, from climbing and going round the side into a star/princess type told AND from the scorpio/gemini and I still can’t quite get it.

    The best I get is holding on by one hand. My ankles are crossed etc but I just can’t let go. I’ll post a video when I can, but in the mean time – any tips?

  • Trena

    August 28, 2009 at 5:42 pm

    The best tip I got was from Veena herself: Push your hips forward!
    Once you’re up there and holding on with one hand push you hips forward and slowly release your grip. (As I said in my previous post, it might be a good idea to put some cushions or a mat down incase you lose grip totally.)
    Pushing your hips forward is unbelievably important because it’ll increase the strength of the hold behing your knee. In my knee hold video you can see that as I push my hips forward Im able to take my hand away.
    Best of luck x

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