Forums Discussions spinning vs static

  • spinning vs static

    Posted by jlopeztx on August 29, 2009 at 3:00 pm

    Hi all,

    I have had my X pole for almost a year now and I was wondering if constantly using it on spin mode is a handicap? I’ve constantly kept it on spinning and I love it but when I tried to put it on static I realize that my spins aren’t what they used to be (I originally started learning on a cheap static pole) and it hurts like crazy. So I guess my question is, should I be limiting my time on spinning and concentrate on getting my spins and such down on static mode?

    and also, Is spinning or static mode better to use while practicing for strength? Thanks for your help


    violet replied 15 years ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • violet

    August 29, 2009 at 5:07 pm

    Im with you on this one. I am almost always on spin mode so when I switch it to static it feels quite foreign to me. I always use static mode when Im learning a new trick but otherwise i dont use it. But thats just my preference.

    If you really feel it is necessary for you to practice more on Static then go for it. It wont hurt any, and its always nice to perfect those spins! As far as strength training goes Im not really sure. I know spin is a bit harder as it takes more strength to control your movements while spinning (due the pull from the momentum) but other than that they are both hard. I guess it just depends on what you do in your strength training and if you can do it as stable on spin as you can on static. Im not really sure on that one … hopefully others will have some more advice for you

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