Forums Discussions shoulder mount embarrasment

  • shoulder mount embarrasment

    Posted by amberpoledancer on September 8, 2009 at 3:21 pm

    Hi guys i wanted to see if anyone out there had any tips for getting a shoulder mount, iv been trying and trying for at least a YEAR!! and im still no closer to getting it than when i first started and its getting beyond embarrasing! Its not as if im new to advanced moves either, i can do scorpio,gemini,caterpillar,butterfly,hip hold ect ect,but this just seems to be an impossiblity for me. Im should be strong enough in the shoulders and abs i work out and do a lot of pole every week so i dont think its that. I think my main problem is the hand positioning. I have been taught and 90 percent of dvds and online tutorials iv studied tells you to place your hands on the pole with thumbs pointing downwards, pole into your shoulder and back. Thing is this handgrip feels 100 percent unsafe and i feel like i have no grip at all, i cant even get my feet off the floor. Iv tried switching the handgrip so that i have one hand in a normal grip and the other in the thumbs down grip and it feels way more secure but i can just about get both legs off the floor but no were near inverting. Iv tried switching sides (i usually invert using my left arm on the right side of the pole) so that i was on the left side of the pole using the right shoulder and that was worse. Iv tried even practicing from the floor with no sucess. Iv seen girls practice this for a few weeks or months and eventually get it but its still no go for me. Usually when i try a new move i can almost get it and it gives me the incentive to keep trying until i master it but im still no were near close to getting the SM and im soooo frustrated and upset i sometimes feel like giving up pole altogether as i cant move on without getting this move!! please help!!

    amberpoledancer replied 15 years ago 10 Members · 19 Replies
  • 19 Replies
  • Kobajo84

    September 8, 2009 at 5:03 pm Do you have a video you’ve posted or can post? That way everyone will be able to offer their constructive critisism. Thanks!

  • amberpoledancer

    September 8, 2009 at 5:10 pm

    no vids as yet ill prob need to get one up here so you can all see were im goin wrong with this and hopefully give me some pointers

  • Veena

    September 8, 2009 at 5:35 pm

    That is the most unsecured grip your talking about Amber. Have you tried it this way?? Watch at 2:06 I use what I call the Veena grip. Watch how the top arm has the grip at the front of the pole not behind and its extended and not bent….this position feel very secure.

    I do the average SM grip the one it sounds like your trying, just before 2:06 and if you watch you can see me switch to veena grip in the middle of the hold.

  • amberpoledancer

    September 8, 2009 at 6:08 pm

    thanks veena had a look at the vid yeh that looks way more secure,i have been trying something like that recently as iv given up on the thumb down grip! still cant get it but at least i can get my legs a bit higher, ill keep trying this one and see if i improve, liked the way you did that SM it looked amazing

  • Meleania

    September 8, 2009 at 7:53 pm

    Somewhere theres a list with pictures of all the different ways you can grip to do a shoulder mount. I cant do one yet but to try I put the pole on my right shoulder and with my right arm straight I grip the pole with my thumb up and my hand is kinda wrapped around the pole, I think this is called the princess grip or something. and then my left arm is bent with my thumb down

  • SissyBuns

    September 9, 2009 at 2:22 am

    That is the most unsecured grip your talking about Amber. Have you tried it this way?? Watch at 2:06 I use what I call the Veena grip. Watch how the top arm has the grip at the front of the pole not behind and its extended and not bent….this position feel very secure.

    I do the average SM grip the one it sounds like your trying, just before 2:06 and if you watch you can see me switch to veena grip in the middle of the hold." onclick=";return false;

    Hey, I think that’s the grip I use when I do my prances! I didn’t know there was a name for it LOL. I just use it because it feels better and I totally suck with the thumbs pointing down one. I can’t even get my legs up off the floor that way. I think it’s because it takes all kinds fo ab strength I don’t have…

  • EVamp83

    September 9, 2009 at 2:09 pm

    Meleania, I think those pics you saw are on wikipole ( under the Shoulder Mount heading. There are 5 pics of 5 grips. They didn’t even include the Veena Grip yet..

  • Tantric Limpet

    September 9, 2009 at 7:41 pm

    Though I am still only attempting the SM from very low near the floor I have to say the V-grip gives me much more confidence in staying put on the pole than trying with the thumbs down option ever did

  • Meleania

    September 9, 2009 at 8:36 pm

    Meleania, I think those pics you saw are on wikipole ( under the Shoulder Mount heading. There are 5 pics of 5 grips. They didn’t even include the Veena Grip yet..
    Yea thats it! thanks for looking it up. I use the ‘Respect Grip’ it says on there

  • blueeyes

    September 10, 2009 at 3:01 am

    Hey there! The shoulder mount was probably the MOST difficult move I have yet mastered. I tried everything people told me and could NEVER get my feet even near high enough. Finally I took a pole dance class and my instructor gave me a few little tips that made ALLLL the difference. Its so hard for me to explain, but ill do my best!! I can post a video if you think it would be more helpful, please let me know! I understand COMPLETELY how frustrating this move is.
    First thing, have you EVER gotten your feet to touch the pole after you kick up? No worries if not, you WILL get it.

    I hold with the baseball grip and thats the only way i can do it… where I cup both hands around the back of the pole, which I think is what you are calling the thumbs down grip. Dont concentrate on having your thumbs perfectly down, and dont concentrate on having the EXACT grip you think you need… it will throw you off worrying too much about that!… at least for now.
    Have you done reverse shoulder mounts?? Get in caterpillar position but tuck your body close to the pole, CURL your body a lot, grip with baseball grip, put ALL weight against the pole with your shoulder. Slowly take your feet/legs away from the pole. It will hurt. You may not be able to let go until you get your shoulder used to it enough. Be near the floor when doing this to make you feel more comfortable. And this time…. you cant fall on your head! You can only fall on your booty… so no need to worry about that! This helps give you the FEEL for the move.

    Now, when you are standing up getting ready to kick…. think HIPS up. I would think LEGS up, but you need to lift up the booty! When you kick, make a V with your legs. Dont worry about it being high up yet. Making this V even if only a few feet out from the pole will REALLLYYYY help you get the feel for it. It reallyyyy helped me. Heres a pic of what Im talking about… its my instructor, Erica Once you get that move and can hold for a few seconds, then grap the pole with those feet!! Soon enough it will all come easy!

    At first you’ll probably be walking your feet up the pole, but it only took me a few days to make it look pretty. I know this is a lot, but it REALLYYYY helped me a lot.

    I hope this helps… !!

  • amberpoledancer

    September 10, 2009 at 12:02 pm

    just had a look at the wikipole site,its sooo helpful thanks! its great to see the differnet grips you can use for a shoulder mount..i think i was trying the chinese grip a while back thinking i was doing it wrong,and low and behold its an actual proper grip and it felt the most secure..that and the princess grip. Im gonna go and practice with these grips now see if i get anywere!

  • jlopeztx

    September 21, 2009 at 2:14 pm

    well I still haven’t been able to get my feet off the ground either. the cupped grip gets me absolutely nowhere and I feel like I’m going to fall right down with that grip. but then I tried the grip Monz used in her shoulder mount video and I can almost get up there. so with just a lil more practice I think I’ll get there. but yeah give this grip a try and see how it feels for you.

  • Veena

    September 21, 2009 at 3:07 pm

    Hey guys…it can also be really helpful if you think of bringing your knees in as you lift up into the shoulder mount. By going into a tuck position on the way up you have less leverage to deal with making the move easier. So kick one leg (gently if you need a lot of kick your not ready) up and as you bring your feet off the ground don’t think of moving right into a V… bend the legs and tuck…then open into the V or bring your legs to the pole. So its… kick-tuck-V. Once you master the tuck first method then you can work on V leg and straight legs into the SM.

  • Mindy4pole

    September 22, 2009 at 6:06 am

    I do the average SM grip the one it sounds like your trying, just before 2:06 and if you watch you can see me switch to veena grip in the middle of the hold." onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;

    Veena — You are TRULY amazing!

    I’m still sick, but I just had to try the shoulder mount with your grip. AND IT WORKED!!!!
    That’s the first time I’ve ever been able to get the shoulder mount! I tried it twice more, and my feet just missed the pole, but I’ll blame that on sickness.


  • Veena

    September 22, 2009 at 2:13 pm
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