Forums Discussions Flip Camcorder

  • Flip Camcorder

    Posted by Kobajo84 on September 8, 2009 at 4:55 pm

    I’ve been doing some research on these "flip camcorders" and thought I’d share the link.

    Jonnie replied 15 years, 1 month ago 5 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • yogabeachbabe

    September 8, 2009 at 5:22 pm

    My sisters ended up getting me one for an early birthday present and it is truly easy and AWESOME! They got me the Ultra HD 8GB. It costs around $200 but I saw it a week later for $179.99 at Costco so look around for bargains. Since my husband is away monday-friday, I take videos of our son every day to send out (to him, to the grandparents, family & friends, etc). I have a Mac, so it’s super simple. So far, I haven’t put a pole vid out there yet, but when I do, I know it’ll be super easy. The only thing is there’s not a lot of panoramic view so you’ve got to film your dance from fairly far away. I’ve been experimenting with distance and have gotten a lot of dances on film where you might only see me from the waist down or even from the knee down! All in all, I LOVE this camcorder.

  • Veena

    September 8, 2009 at 5:27 pm

    I LOVE this camcorder!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I take it everywhere because its so small. I always hated to use our really nice one, that we have for SV (I knew I would erase something or screw it up some how) So hubby bought me one of the flip cams and I love it. I can still use i movie with it too!!

  • glitterhips

    September 8, 2009 at 9:14 pm

    I use this too and it is SUPER easy especially since I am totally tech challenged….I believe Jungle Cat also has one per my recommendation You can also edit the video right within the software which is really awesome, and it has the usb outlet inside the camera which is good for people like me who tend to lose the cords!

  • Jonnie

    September 12, 2009 at 11:44 am

    Im really interested in gettin one seeing th quality on one of veena’s videos.
    on amazon you can pick them up for 67£ now .. result!

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