honey you shouldn’t waste not 1 more second worrying about any of this. this is got to be one of the most supportive and non-judgemental, encouraging, kind, ect group of people you can find in 1 place like this. if you need encouragment take a look at some of my vids! my hair is a disaster in some, in others you get to see the toll too much pizza and not enough exersise has taken on my stomach..oh the list just goes on, but i know the only person who is focusing on the things that make me uncomfortable in any given video, is me. i did a video not long ago bc i was feeling soo unsexy or graceful so made a point not to focus on the things i didnt like. i forced myself to put on a dress and heels and acknowledge all the things i like about the way i look and feel. like my eye color and strong calves. before you start the video get yourself in the right frame of mind. some peoplelike t o come up w a stage name/personality. some peole feel silly doing this so try and see. if you think you’d like to try this i would suggest a name that makes you feel sexy or powerful.. whatever’s going to make you feel confident. if your a little on the shy side you can play into that w a sweet and bashful in a sexy way personality. you could do the whole innocent girl next door or librarin.. or you could use this as a chance to explore a whole other side of you. i go with how i feel at the time and music of course plays a role. pick a song that you really feel. i like music from back in the day like billie holiday and james brown but usually to practice its rock or rap. also dress in a way that allows you to move freeky and that your not going to have to constanly fuss with as this will be distracting to dancer and viewer (in my BED video my skirt and top were driving me crazy and it took some focus of what i was doing). sorry to make this so super long but 1 more thing.. lighting. go with whatever makes you feel beautiful. hope this helps.