Forums Discussions Miss Xpose 2010

  • Miss Xpose 2010

    Posted by SissyBuns on October 7, 2009 at 10:27 pm

    What the hell is going on in my head?!

    I signed up for the Miss Xpose competition here in Maryland! It’s a local competition held for the clients of the 4 Xpose fitness studios here in the Maryland area. I have been quietly stalking this competition for all of it’s 3 years and I’m finally going to try it! I was inspired by the past weekend’s amazing competition and also a dancer known on youtube as minicoopergirl who competed in the competition in it’s first year and is doing it again this year. This girl is on the "curvier" side of pole dancers but she has so much damn attitude and confidence. So inspiring. I wanna be like her! So I’m going for it! I went and signed up today taking my locations last spot!

    Here are her videos from that year

    Floor/Chair routine
    Pole Princess
    Pole Diva

    There are 3 categories and a winner from each one for each location

    Floor/Chair – using only the floor and chair
    Pole Princess – Pole only "no inverts"
    Pole Diva – Anything goes pole
    There was only 1 slot left and it was for pole princess so I snatched it up! LOL.
    I’ll be competeing in preliminaries in February and if for some crazy reason I were to win and advance I would go to the championship in April where I could do inverts and whatever else my old body can handle. Ya’ll have no idea how excited this makes me!
    So many things to think about. So many things to try. A song to pick. An outfit. This is gonna be sooo coooooool!!!!!!!
    Today I oredered te DVD from last years competition so I can watch what the girls did and what the winners did and get an idea for what I need to start working on.
    Wish me luck!

    MissHoneyrider replied 15 years ago 29 Members · 49 Replies
  • 49 Replies
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