Forums Discussions Wife with a new found passion

  • Wife with a new found passion

    Posted by surfrancis2009 on October 13, 2009 at 5:04 am

    Okay so I am So in love with pole dancing, after watching a million videos and reading the thread on ”you might be a pole dancer if???? very funny cause i said yes to like 90% of all of them . But my husband doesnt know how he should feel about my new found passion…I dont think he see’s it as a form of excerise and a great way to feel confident and sexy..I had ordered an x pole off of ebay and i havent recieved it and i am still waiting on my refund..So my husband says its a sign that i shouldnt get one watever im gettin my pole.. But I am gong to be buying here on SV i wish i would have know about this site when i was buying my pole…but N E my question is did anyone go through this situaton or am i the only one who has a crazy husband husband.

    CheeryBomb replied 14 years, 11 months ago 5 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • p1nkpr1ncess

    October 13, 2009 at 9:05 am

    Hey hun,

    Welcome to the site! It realy is fab here

    As for the crazy husband – my OH was a bit similar, he wasn’t too sure about it (well I think he actually thought I might get some crazy idea about getting a job in a strip club lol) but when I showed him a few videos on Youtube and the picture directory on Wikipole he saw what I meant about it being more gymnastic than seedy.

    Maybe have a look for some clips of Youtube of really good gymnastic pole workouts and show him the moves on Wikipole – hopefully he will soon see that it is more of an art than anything he should feel uneasy about

  • miss fern

    October 13, 2009 at 10:51 pm
  • SissyBuns

    October 14, 2009 at 12:30 am

    Hi Sur,
    When I first started taking pole dance classes my husband reffered to them as stripper school and really only tolerated it because I had a close friend that was into it and we went together. Actually we were only taking floor chair classes (because she had no interest in trying the pole) but when she left and I wanted to go on my own he gave me a hard time everytime I wanted to go and I ended up just stopping because it was drama whenver I wanted to go.
    Eventually the urge became too strong and I started sneaking. I would go during my lunch hour or go in the evenings and tell him I was going to the gym. We actually ended up seperating (for an array of other reasons) but while we were apart I embraced pole and got one in my own home. He would come over and see me and see what I was doing and I think he had a totoal different idea of what I was trying to do. I think he thought I was really trying to work towards becoming an exotic dancer and if I wasn’t …then what was the point? Once he saw me doing what I do he understood it was something totally different. He was a tad bit more open minded because I had left and he wanted me bac LOL, but since we have reconciled he knows how much I enjoy poling and that it’s not only about dancing at clubs or stripping.

    My stripper disclaimer …I don’t have any problem with stripping but my husband does when it comes to his wife LOL.

    If you can show him what you are doing (or plan to do) I think it will help him to understand. It seems he’s already some what open to it because he didn’t try to stop you from buying one on ebay and seems to be cool with you trying to buy again. Just show him.

    Like Georgiamarie posted….show him that stuff. Educate him LOL.

  • surfrancis2009

    October 14, 2009 at 4:23 am

    Thank You PinkPr1ncess,georgiamarie,and sissybuns, I finally got my husband to sit here and see what pole dancing really is. He looked at the videos that georgia suggested along with a few others in my favs on youtube and he sat there in aww because he didnt realize the strength it took and that it is a form of art . i mean dont get me wrong there are ways that it can be sexy and classy along with getting and staying fit,(look at veena OMG!!!!) A way to feel confident.. and just have fun. Thank you guyz. I decided to take a trip to Xpole Us I think it would be really great to actually go and get it myself, im not that far from there location. but yeah

  • CheeryBomb

    February 27, 2010 at 11:41 pm

    Yep, Surfrancis, I’m in the boat with you. When I mentioned it to my husband his mood totally changed. Luckily, we communicate fairly well and I asked him why he was so apprehensive. He said, and I quote, "I just don’t want anyone else getting a show." WTF?! I so wanted to yell at him and beat some sense into his head, but I refrained as I did not want to go to jail that day . I explained to him again why I wanted to start poling (I had already done this but apparently he had his selective hearing on that night) and had him, very reluctantly, sit through some amazing videos of beautiful, graceful, strong women poling. He is still a little reluctant but more supportive, I think mostly because he knows I will do what I want anyway. It’s just very important to me to have him on my side because he, and his opinions, mean a lot to me. I currently have a 50mm Chrome Xpert Xpole happily on it’s way to me! My hubby is away right now for some training, and I should have my pole by the time he gets home as well as a little ditty for him too Now, my next challenge is to get him to stop calling it a stripper pole. I have nothing at all against those who strip/exotic dance as a career, I am just trying to reprogram my hubby so he is 100% supportive of my new found passion. Then we can talk about stripping, lol So in the mean time, keep your chin up because your man is gonna love you and your body even more when he sees your confidence, strength, and natural sex goddess come roaring out at him! He won’t know what to do

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