Forums Discussions New from Denver

  • New from Denver

    Posted by Pixie Daye on October 21, 2009 at 3:23 pm

    Hi, all! One of my classmates introduced me to this website. I started dancing the end of July at TranZenDance Studio. I love dancing, and I love the girls in my class. Such an amazing, supportive environment.

    I’m 29 and never really liked a lot of physical activities outside of martial arts and dancing. When I was little, both my mom and teacher (after much begging for lessons) told me I’d never make it as a classical dancer because I’d never have the figure. Now I know that there are types of dancing that work for anyone. We learned how to climb just last week, and I’m already getting up the pole on my own. Such a great accomplishment, let me tell you. If I can make it up there, I’m convinced that anyone can!

    My roomie won’t let me get a pole for our apartment. She says she has a hard enough time explaining to her dates that her roomie is a lesbian pole dancer- she doesn’t want to give them any more encouragement to be jerks than necessary. LOL. At least I have a great studio to study at, but it’s hard not being able to practice as much as I’d like to.

    Looking forward to getting to know you guys on here!

    Pixie Daye replied 14 years, 10 months ago 6 Members · 7 Replies
  • 7 Replies

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