Forums Discussions compressing vids that are over 500mb???

  • mrsfluke

    December 31, 2009 at 3:39 pm

    you can get windows movie maker as a free download when using microsofts windows update. As long as you have SP2 (Service Pack 2) or above you can use windows movie maker 2.1

    Hope this helps.

  • chemgoddess1

    December 31, 2009 at 3:49 pm

    I downloaded and use debugmode wax with the xvid video codec. Just started playing with it last weekend but it is pretty easy. I don’t have the settings that I use here but I do at home and will type up something once I get there. I am compressing video taken with my digital camera which tend to be pretty big. It took about 20 minutes for a 3 minute video to compress.

    In my opinion Movie Maker is just one frustration after another. I tried doing stuff with that program about a year ago and got nowhere. the one above took me about 2 hours of playing around in to get the basics, plus it has all sorts of editing stuff you can do which I have yet to play with.

  • miss fern

    January 3, 2010 at 1:41 am

    You can download ‘Any Video Converter’ for free.

    With it, you can convert file types (avi to wmv, mpeg to avi etc etc), and it automatically compresses the file for you, to a normal and useable size. There might be compression settings too, I haven’t explored it much, the default works fine for me.

    When files come off your camera they are ridiculously huge. Here’s something to put it into comparison: A 2+ hour movie can usually fit on one CD, which means it’s about 700MB. (DVDs hold more, about 5GB I think. But on average, 2 hours of video that’s good enough quality to play on your TV will be about 700MB.

    So there is nooooo way in hell a 4 minute pole dance has to be 500 or even 200MB. Having said that, we don’t have the same amazing rendering and compression tools that hollywood and the show biz has. So when WE compress, we will experience SOME loss in quality. But most of the time, it will not be noticeable on facebook, youtube or (unless you watch in fullscreen. Even then, it’s not that much different IMO.)

    So yea – check out, it’s what I use.

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