Forums Discussions Beginning Male Vertical Dancer

  • Beginning Male Vertical Dancer

    Posted by DeaconJungleCatPoles on March 11, 2009 at 6:50 pm

    Hello lovely ladies!

    So glad to be with you all!! Male beginner in Washington, DC. I don’t dance professionally, just recreationally but I’ve been dancing all my life! Club/street dancer. I doubt anybody would pay to see me HAHAHA!! Just wanted to start pole because it’s different and unusual and from what I read it is great for fitness. I wanted to challenge myself with something completely off the wall.

    I ordered my first ever pole few days ago and I’m waiting on it to be delivered. I can’t wait to get started. Any tips or advice you have for a beginning male? I don’t know what level I am yet. I think I could probably get away with some intermediate moves. I think I’m in pretty good shape. I’m a yogist too. I will be careful though. Are there any other males in the forum. I see a lot of tutorials and stuff online for women but I don’t see anything for males. I guess it can’t be too much of a difference but I guess I’m looking for all the more masculine moves I can get? hehe

    Any advice you lovely ladies have or places you can direct me would be totally appreciated!

    Thanks so much for your time and energy.

    Jungle Cat

    DeaconJungleCatPoles replied 15 years, 7 months ago 12 Members · 30 Replies
  • 30 Replies
  • DeaconJungleCatPoles

    March 11, 2009 at 7:11 pm

    Also, if anyone is in the Washington, DC area, I would love to be friends!! I’m a fun loving cool guy who loves to make people laugh and have fun. It would be great to have someone show me different things in person and make recommendations for studios that I can go to and practice at in the area. Or I can bring my X-Pole and we can have a Pole Party!!!

    I’m only 5’5 and 130lbs. I’m a saint who couldn’t hurt a flea so you don’t have to worry about me being dangerous or anything and I promise never to try anything inappropriate. Just looking for some friends who vertical dance because as of now I don’t know anyone who dances. It would be nice to have a buddy (or buddies) that I can explore this new endeavor with without and preconditions or judgements. Thanks so much in advance!

    I look forward to being your friend!

    Jungle Cat

  • azriel

    March 11, 2009 at 10:06 pm

    hi jungle cat! I live in greece now, but i grew up in Maryland, really close to DC.. and i go back once in a while to visit my family. Even though i’m not there now, its nice to have someone on the site that’s where i’m from!!

  • DeaconJungleCatPoles

    March 11, 2009 at 10:27 pm

    Hey Azriel!!

    Thank you so much for responding, I really appreciate it! Wow Greece that’s awesome!!! I would love to go to Greece someday. It’s such a beautiful place. It is nice to run into someone on the site from here. I’m not a Washingtonian though. I’m originally from North Carolina though. Full fledge country boy!! haha I’ve lived here since 2001. I like it though.

    I’m looking at your youtube page right now. You are amazing!!

  • Veena

    March 11, 2009 at 10:41 pm

    Welcome!! nice to have you here. I’m sure we would all love to see a pic of you with your X pole .or better yet a vid. Poledancefan is a male poler who visits the site often. The best advice I can give to a male poler……. watch out for your dangley bits

  • DeaconJungleCatPoles

    March 11, 2009 at 10:53 pm

    Awww thank you!! WOW, a special welcome from the Master Veena herself!!! I feel so priviledged! Thank so much for your kind words! It is lovely to be here! I’ve seen some of your tutorials and I can’t wait til my pole gets here so I can hurry up and buy access to the rest of them!!

    I will most certainly put some pics and vids up here as soon as I can!!

    Thanks for referring me to PoleDanceFan. I need all the help I can probably get. And protecting my dangey bits is the best advice I could ever get I’m sure!!!!! LOL I have a ballet bar and everyday after I stretch I sit on it to get my thighs and bits use to pressure being there. At first it use to hurt but now it’s getting better!! I can sit there a long time now and can even balance myself on the bar. LOL It’s wierd to explain. I’m a lil embarassed telling that but we are all Pole Family now right? HAHA!

    Thanks again!

    I look forward to working with you and speaking with you in the future!

    Jungle Cat

  • Trena

    March 11, 2009 at 11:03 pm

    Welcome welcome!!!
    Cant wait to see some photos or videos whenever you get started!! And I totally agree with Veena about the *ahem* dangly bits!!

  • DeaconJungleCatPoles

    March 11, 2009 at 11:07 pm

    Hey Trena!!

    Thank ya thank ya for the welcome!!! Hehehehe I will definitely watch those dangly bits!! You know I didn’t even think about that until she mentioned it. I hope it doesn’t present a problem for real haha I might have to tape em down or sumthin hahaha

  • Andrea

    March 11, 2009 at 11:25 pm

    This is exciting, welcome to studioveena!! You’re going to love the pole.

  • DeaconJungleCatPoles

    March 11, 2009 at 11:31 pm

    Thank you thank you Andrea!!! Thank you so much! I am sure I am!!

  • SaschaPoles

    March 12, 2009 at 2:43 am

    welcome welcome!!! it’s so nice to have you here! joel (poledancefan) frequents the site a lot but he’s the only other male i know of on the site. what kind of pole did you buy??? ive been to washington dc before, im jealous cuz you guys have the coolest bagel place- Cosi’s right? they don’t have bagels, they have SQUAGELS, square bagels lol.

    anyways, be sure to come to chat on fridays, a lot of regulars come to chat and catch up every week, and also feel free to post your vids on the site if you start making them!!!!!

    ive been watching this guy on youtube for awhile now, he’s the only other guy i know of who dances- he’s PHENOMENAL!!!!!!!!!! (Veena, he’s dancing to "Just Dance" Lady Gaga- I’m surprised his song didn’t get pulled when yours did!!! what gives!?!? )

  • DeaconJungleCatPoles

    March 12, 2009 at 5:37 am

    Hey SaschaPoles!

    Thank you so much for the warm welcome! I feel right at home. Can’t wait to talk to Joel and get some tips. I think I can use all the help I can get!! hehe OH god Cosi is the bomb!!! They also have these flatbread fresh pizzas that just melt in your mouth!!! And some of them have liqour licenses! They make nice meeting spots. Now i’m hungry LOL

    OMG I did so much research!! I wasn’t sure which pole to get. By after spending hours and hours and hours and HOURS in forums all over the net, I decided to go with the Titanium Gold 50mm X-Pole! I figured I’ll be doing more climbs and inverts than spins. Fits my character more I think. Spiderman is my favorite super hero so hahaha! It hasn’t been delivered yet. Prolly in a few days! I’ve been cleaning out my apartment and rearranging stuff for the past week to make room to practice. I just threw out the last bit of junk so I’m all ready for my new baby!! I’m so excited!

    I am definitely going to make this Fridays chat! Thank you so much for inviting me. What time does it usually get started? I am going to post some videos ASAP. This webcam is built into the labtop and it isn’t that great. I’ll have to see if it shows me clearly or not. If not then I will have to go out and buy another one.

    Yes, I have seen BadAss. He is absolutely incredible!!!! He is my inspiration. I’ve even had small correspondence with him. If I can be 10% of what he is I’ll be happy LOL

    Your prop videos are hilarious! Very informative ideas for the ladies. It’s great how you have a great sense of humor while being sexy. You have a bubbly personality. You are made to be a star! I Bet the girls appreciated all the wonderful advice you gave them!

    I’ll look for ya in the chat!

    Jungle Cat

  • Rouge_LAmour

    March 12, 2009 at 10:39 am

    Welcome from the Antipodes!!

    The 50mm x-pole is a good size for males, we use ours (titanium) to teach our new male student and other males who have used it found it a good size.

  • SaschaPoles

    March 12, 2009 at 1:56 pm

    Awww, you’re so friendly JungleCat!! That’s so awesome Thanks for the nice comments about my vids, I originally made them for my friend Denise but ended up editing and posting them on here I’m just a big nerd is all it is lol.

    Joel is fantastic, he’s the nicest guy and ALWAYS gives wonderful advice BadAss is amazing, I can sit there in awe watching vid after vid after vid, he definitely inspires me to stretch LOL!

    Now I miss Cosi’s!!! They have the best hot chocolate too!!!! Liquour licenses? That’s awesome!

    YAY! You got an x-pole, those are the best. They have AMAZING customer service too. You know, I think the knee hold move looks a lot like how Spiderman sits actually!

    Friday chats usually go the entire day and people pop in here and there, Veena stays in the chat for the majority of the day (I think) but the bulk of members stop in later in the day. I usually go in around 6pm NY time and there’s ALWAYS a ton of girls in there. It’s actually a web-cam chat too which is amazing, so we all can see each other as we chat Very exciting!

  • DeaconJungleCatPoles

    March 12, 2009 at 2:20 pm

    Welcome from the Antipodes!!

    The 50mm x-pole is a good size for males, we use ours (titanium) to teach our new male student and other males who have used it found it a good size.

    Thank you so much Rouge for the warm welcome!! Sending my love to the Antipodes!! That lizard you have in the photo is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute!!!! What kind is it?!?! I use to have 3 Australian Bearded Dragons when I was in high school. They were so much fun!

  • DeaconJungleCatPoles

    March 12, 2009 at 2:39 pm

    Hey Sascha!

    Yes, your vids are cute! I hope you teach. You would make a great instructor. You keep it light and humorous while being serious and thorough at the same time! You are not a nerd at all! You’re like the fun bubbly popular cheerleading captain back in middleschool that all the girls wanted to be, all the guys wanted to have, all the teachers wanted you in their class, and everybody loves!! I am a nerd!! I’m a librarian for God’s sake! I love it though! It’s a lot of fun. Right it’s 10:15 am and I have a class of pre-schoolers here. They are sitting on a giant rug with the alphabet on it and we are watching The Cat and the Hat!!! It’s so fun. I’m laughing harder than the kids!!!

    I will try Cosi’s hot chocolate now!! It sounds yummy!

    When I first saw the knee hold I was like, "Spiderman!!!!!!!!!!!!" HAHAHA So I will definitely be working on that trick the most. I’m determined to get it. Everybody in DC already knows how obsessed I am with Spiderman. It’s ridiculous LOL I have shirts, bags, blankets, etcs! I even had some Spiderman shoes before LOL And don’t forget the under-roos!!!! Whoooooooo hoooooooooooo!!! I even went as Spiderman last Halloween and everyone loved it!! I was doing my signature move crawling across the dancefloor like a cat lol I didn’t get the name Jungle Cat for nothing

    Friday chats sound wonderful!! I’m actually off tomorrow so I can definitely make it in there. I’ll probably be the first one there waiting on everybody to come in! I’m a total geek hahaha

    Jungle Cat

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