Forums Discussions how long does it take u to get a move?

  • how long does it take u to get a move?

    Posted by licia on December 7, 2009 at 12:47 pm

    How long does it take you to get a move?
    how many days of practicing?
    about how many hours? —all answers appreciated

    i just need some reassurance, i have been taking classes for the past 10 weeks (for the first 7 weeks it was only 1 a week for an hour and the past 2 weeks we have had an day of 1.5 hrs). i also don’t have my own pole (yet). most of the moves (spins mostly and basic inversions) have come fairly easily for me. (i believe this is b/c i have been working out and lifting for the past 14 years and have very good knowledge and control of my muscles). however now b/c of this i have been spoiled, i have been working for the last 4 weeks on the gemini & scorpio but my thigh holds do not seem to be getting any better. usually a sticky person i find myself sliding often and very unsure of my leg grip.
    thanks for any feedback!

    Rouge_LAmour replied 14 years, 10 months ago 7 Members · 7 Replies
  • 7 Replies
  • minicoopergrl

    December 7, 2009 at 12:53 pm

    There are some moves I can get on the first try and I just need to perfect them, others take me forever to do. It took me months to invert, and now Im still having issues.

    Since you know you where your weakness is on those moves, Id work on that more and more. Id do lots of laybacks or anything that requries you to hold the pole via thigh. Also doing alot of inner thigh work outs will help too. I did alot of arm/ab work to help get my inverts.

    Good Luck!

  • Mary Ellyn

    December 7, 2009 at 1:02 pm

    Hi Licia…welcome to pole dancing!

    Am I understanding correctly that after 10 weeks of class you are inverting and learning Scorpios and Geminis?

    While there are programs out there that teach inverts at this point, I (and many others) feel this is too soon to be inverting. Despite strength and previous experience you need to become familiar with using a pole in many ways before you invert.

    Additionally there are SO many moves to learn before you invert!

    Not having your own pole will definitely have an impact on your ability to progress. It doesn’t make it impossible but it definitely can affect your training.

    In answer to your specific question, different moves take people varying amounts of time to learn. There is no one answer. Someone may learn the Scorpio right away but struggle with the Gemini for ages…and someone else may be the exact opposite.

    Some moves too me one try to learn…others took me months.

    For new students who are learning just the basic spins I tell them it takes about and AVERAGE of 5 weeks to build muscle memory when you don’t have a pole at home. Some more, some less…but what I generally see is around the 4th or 5th week things are just starting to click for them.

  • SissyBuns

    December 7, 2009 at 1:22 pm

    I too struggled with the gemini, for like ever it seemed. I don’t think there’s a time frame that you can put on getting moves because it all depends on the move and the person.

    From my experience when I was trying scorpio and and gemini I was focusing on hooking my leg and using only that to hold my self onto the pole. After some hands on instruction from Redke and Roxypink, I discovered that I wasn’t engaing the other points of contact needed; the armpit and the hip. Try squeezing the pole with the inside armpit and the inside hip. Really push that hip (well kind of right above the hip) into the pole, engage the abs and try pointing the foot of the hooked leg at the floor.

    Oh and it’s nice to see another weight lifter on the site

  • AstridColeslaw

    December 8, 2009 at 2:54 pm

    Yeah its different for everyone! I’m a pretty cautious person and do not come from a fitness (at all) background so I usually do one move over and over and over to get confident before moving on to another. but then after mastering these moves, i find it easier to do similar ones. I had my gemini down for years but could never ‘figure out’ the scorpio until i started on SV. Sissy is absolutely right, work those hips and armpits into it! If you bruise, you are on your way. After having gotten the two moves down perfect and confidently with strong contact points i was able to switch between the two mid pole so easily i surprised myself!

  • SissyBuns

    December 8, 2009 at 3:03 pm

    Yeah its different for everyone! I’m a pretty cautious person and do not come from a fitness (at all) background so I usually do one move over and over and over to get confident before moving on to another. but then after mastering these moves, i find it easier to do similar ones. I had my gemini down for years but could never ‘figure out’ the scorpio until i started on SV. Sissy is absolutely right, work those hips and armpits into it! If you bruise, you are on your way. After having gotten the two moves down perfect and confidently with strong contact points i was able to switch between the two mid pole so easily i surprised myself!

    You’re so right about the bruise. I was working on my gemini all the time and I would always check for the bruise on the hip and I never got it. Now I’m able to get it everytime and what do ya know…got myself a nice little hip bruise to show for it. Woohoo! LOL

  • SaschaPoles

    December 9, 2009 at 5:15 pm

    hi hunnie, i think its different for everyone. for me, some moves i can get on my first try and im like, "YEAH!!! I ROCK!!!" and others i practice over and over and over and still cant get them which is normal but frustrating. i think too you need to be careful about overdoing it and taking appropriate breaks for your body…6 days a week of poling might be perfect for one person, while 3 days a week is better for another. it’s all subjective to you, your body and your schedule you know?? but i dont think there’s a right or wrong time limit for anyone when it comes to learning new moves

  • Rouge_LAmour

    December 10, 2009 at 7:26 am

    Anywhere between immediately and "only crazy people do that!". The "lightbulb" moment is different for everyone.
    Hurkey / Attitude I got immediately, but the corkscrew / cradle is a mystery and will remain that way.

    As many have has said, 10 weeks seems pretty soon to be learning Scorpio and Gemini.
    Also, when doing these, ensure you have the pole n the top of your hip, you can break ribs with the pressure if it’s too high up the body.

    It seems great to be doing these "hard"moves early, but without the muscle memory, the results can be painful.
    You may have the strength to do them, but the muscles need to know exactly where they are going first.
    Be careful, I don’t want a post saying you’ve broken your ribs or other injury.
    (Believe me, I’m ms Clumsy. I discovered gravity last week. My knees look like a 6yr old boys!)

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