I am a victim of the fake X Pole as well. I won one from eBay about a year ago. When I got it, it came in a box with everything, except the X Pole carrying case. I tried putting it up, but I was also in the process of moving out of state, so I stopped. I actually left it home. I emailed the X Pole people to ask if I could purchase the carrying case, and was told that chances are that I have a fake pole. I called today, and the X Pole rep asked for me to look and see if the upper dome has black rubber around it, and it does. https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_e_sad.gif Since I bought it over 6 months ago I can’t really get a refund back. However, she told me that if I decide to buy another one, she’ll give me 10% off. She gave me her name and everything in case I call back and get another people.
I’m upset that I was taken, but at the same time I’m glad I know and that I never used the pole.