Forums Discussions Surgery complete!

  • Surgery complete!

    Posted by SissyBuns on January 1, 2010 at 1:29 am

    Hi guys! I just wanted to update everyone and let you guys know I had my surgery this morning and everything went smashingly well! The doc didn’t have to do the second procedure that he thought he might to my recovery should be speedy. I’m really tired and kind of drowsy from the anesthesia and pain killer so I’m laying on the couch floating in and out of conciousness. I’m doing this from my phone right now and I have my leg elevated with ice behind my knee. I’m so happy to finally have the surgery done. I was so scared and nervous and everyone here really helped calm me down and I’m so grateful for that! I love you guys! Now it’s time to he and get better so I can get back to poling! I’ll go back to the doc on Monday and get my sexy new cast put on and 6 weeks later I’ll have it removed. I’m pretty sure I’ll already be poling by then though lol. Ok, eyelids r getting heavy. Time for another power nap!

    Happy new Years guys!!! Pole and party for me!!!!

    Maria Joao replied 14 years, 8 months ago 23 Members · 24 Replies
  • 24 Replies
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