Forums Discussions Crunchless Abs System

  • Crunchless Abs System

    Posted by cbr600girl on January 14, 2010 at 5:57 pm

    I have been thinking of purchasing Linda Larue’s Crunchless Abs DVD collection of awhile now. There is a special going on for 4 videos for $12.99. I remember Veena posting a video about baby tummy and how the their are exercises that act like a girdle. This is what the system in about, doing exercises that are not really crunches that work all 12 muscles to build up a girdle to hold you in. I was curious if anyone has tried it,especially is you’ve had babies. I do not have stretch marks, but I have a lower pooch I’d love to get rid of! Any thoughts are appreciated!

    cbr600girl replied 14 years, 8 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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