• Eczema

    Posted by Audball on January 23, 2010 at 3:48 pm

    So I know this isn’t strictly related to pole dancing (except for maybe the dry skin aspect), but looking at the forum, it would seem that people here have a wealth of knowledge on lots of different topics!

    Basically, i’ve started suffering from eczema. It’s unusual because, while eczema is common in children, i’m 20 and have never had eczema before (that i’ve noticed anyway). However, I do have asthma, which goes with eczema.

    I’m using hydrocortisone cram sparingly along with various moisturisers. But i’m wondering if anyone else has any suggestions on how to deal with it as its quite unsightly and can really bother me when it gets itchy.
    I’d be interested in finding out if there are foods I should avoid. I looked this up online and found a website that sad i should give up meat, citrus fruits, wheat, soy, fish, dairy etc etc, which doesnt leave much!

    So i’m just wondering if anyone has any advice!

    Sweet D replied 12 years, 1 month ago 18 Members · 32 Replies
  • 32 Replies
  • chemgoddess1

    January 23, 2010 at 6:37 pm

    The first thing that popped into mind was zinc. Zinc deficiency can cause allergic reactions and also eczema. I know that fish oil and vitamin E are also good for it. DO NOT buy cheapo fish oil. Spend the money for the good stuff (Carlson’s, Barleans). Also look for vitamin E that has mixed tocopherols. Amlactin is also a really good lotion/cream for it. You can buy it at the pharmacy but you need to get it behind the counter. It is ammonium lactate (12% lactic acid) and I will tell you that it will burn like a mother when you put it on. It comes as both a lotion and a cream. I like the lotion better. It runs about $18 for 8oz.

    BTW, I buy most of my vitamins from Swanson Vitamins. They have really good quality supplements at a really good price. They also often run coupons (you can find them online) and their shipments come within a few days.

    I found this:

    Diet plays an integral role in allergy/sensitivity-type disorders such as atopic and allergic contact eczema. While the buildup of chemicals in the body puts increasing stress on the immune system, a nutrient-deficient diet weakens immunity even further, causing it to eventually buckle under the toxic overload.

    Below are some key nutrients that have been proven to be able to help ease the symptoms of eczema, as well as to restore balance to the immune system and to strengthen it against further flare-ups.

    * Antioxidants (vitamins A, C, E and selenium). Ensuring that your diet is rich with these well-known free-radical scavengers can help support the body’s defences against the daily chemical onslaught. Vitamin C strengthens the skin; vitamin E improves skin healing; and vitamin A helps to regulate the rapid turnover of skin cells seen in eczema. The trace mineral selenium plays a crucial role in the glutathione-peroxidase system (the body’s natural antioxidant process) and is effective for detoxing heavy metals. Suggested dosages: vitamin C, 1000 mg twice daily; vitamin E, 400 IU/day; vitamin A, 5000-10,000 IU/day; selenium, 50-200 mcg/day

    * B vitamins. B3 (niacin) and B6 (pyridoxine) are both integral to the process of new cell formation, and play a key role in the healthy function of body tissue – especially skin, which has a quick rate of turnover. A deficiency of these vitamins has been linked to various types of eczema and other skin disorders. Suggested dosages: B3, 100-500 mg/day; B6, 50-100 mg/day

    * Gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), an omega-6 fatty acid found naturally in borage (starflower), evening primrose and blackcurrant oils, could help to improve the roughened skin seen with eczema, as well as keep inflammation under control (Am J Clin Nutr, 2000; 71 : 367-72S). One study gave 3 g/day of GLA for 28 days to children with atopic eczema; although none were completely cured, all experienced improvement in their symptoms and a reduced need for medication (J Int Med Res, 1994; 22: 24-32). Suggested dosage: 2-3 g/day

    * Omega-3 fatty acids. These essential fatty acids have recognised anti-inflammatory properties. A double-blind study found that atopic eczema patients given 10 g of fish oil for 12 weeks all achieved a reduction in itching, scaling and other eczema symptoms (J Intern Med Suppl, 1989; 225: 233-6). Suggested dosage: 1000 mg three times daily

    * Zinc. A deficiency in this essential mineral is common among people with allergies, and may play a role in the development of recurring or chronic eczema (Br J Dermatol, 1984; 111: 597-601). One team of Hungarian researchers found that zinc supplementation reduced the severity of eczema symptoms in children (Orv Hetil, 1989; 130: 2465-9). Suggested dosage: 15 mg/day of zinc with 2 mg of copper (as zinc is known to deplete the body’s copper reserves)

  • Audball

    January 23, 2010 at 6:42 pm

    Thanks chemgoddess, I will look out for that cream, and get myself some decent fish oils, zinc and vitamin E. Hey they’ll be good for me anyway. Im in ireland, not sure we have swansons here, but i’m sure i’ll find it somewhere, thanks!

  • margie

    January 23, 2010 at 7:00 pm

    I don’t have Eczema but I have Arthritis and in doing research I found that Aloe Vera is a natural anti inflammatory and it has been known to help Eczema. I actually bought the pills and taken them and it helped but there is a gel that I got from Holland and Barret’s and my husband uses it everyday on his head. Mind you he shaves his head every couple of days and it is something that moisturizes but is not greasy. Might be something you can try since it isn’t greasy. Best of luck https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_e_biggrin.gif

  • margie

    January 23, 2010 at 7:03 pm

    I got this from the web for you.
    If you need to treat your eczema skin symptoms, you can consider using the Aloe Vera plant for help. Eczema skin symptoms are typically dry, red, itchy and inflammed. Perhaps you have tried the conventional medication such as moisturisers and steroid creams, but you have found results unsatisfactory. If you or your child have not gotten much relief, try treating your eczema skin symptoms with Aloe Vera.

    You can consume Aloe Vera as a nutritional health drink, or you can apply it topically. As far as possible, you should use Aloe fresh from the plant, but remember it oxidises quickly upon exposure to air. If you get a mature plant, cut a leaf, slice it lengthwise, and apply the gel directly. Otherwise, cut the gel into pieces and cook it with rock sugar for a drink. If you cannot get Aloe fresh but only as a product, then be sure to get one that is as close to the natural plant as possible. After all, it is in your best interest to use quality ingredients to apply for relief of your eczema skin symptoms.

    If you apply Aloe topically, the fluids in Aloe Vera form a thin film on the surface of your skin. These gum resins have hydrating thus moisturising, as well as antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. Aloe Vera has the ability to penetrate to the inner layers of the skin, supplying moisture directly to the underlying tissue.

    Dr. Peter Atherton, one of the leading authorities on Aloe Vera in the UK,

  • Audball

    January 23, 2010 at 7:12 pm

    Thanks margie, I think I may even have some aloe vera gel lying around the house. Would be nice to use something natural too, instead of steroid creams and the like. https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_e_smile.gif

  • TammyS

    January 24, 2010 at 9:18 am

    I have some skinproblems too. First they thought is was an eczema, but it seems to be a fungus. Eczema comes from your body (like an alergie) and a fungus is caused by a micro organism. I have more problems with it during the winter than during te summer. I have miconazol hydrocortison creme but I do not use that very often as it depigment your skin. I only use it when it is really itchy and inflammed.

    I hate the spots on my face! But I found this creme called Vichy Nutrilogy 2 and it really helps me without using the miconazol hydrocoritson. I try to keep my skin moisterised, to keep it from drying out. Never tried the Aloe Vera so I will do that too! Hope that will help!


  • rachie

    January 24, 2010 at 10:00 am

    i have had eczema when i was a kid and grew out of it for a while and then grew back into it. The stuff my doctor gives me is called oilatum and i’ve seen it in savers and those kinds of places. I definitely wouldn’t recommend putting it on the days you pole it is very oily, it feels horrible when you put it on but it does help. Or when my skin isn’t too bad i use E45. I found things like changing washing powders and some bath and shower gels can make it worse. I know E45 do there own shower gels and bath stuff which helped me before. I hope some of this helps https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_e_biggrin.gif

  • azzwoo

    January 24, 2010 at 12:47 pm

    I don’t personally have eczema, but my younger brother gets it really badly all over his body. He uses a gel (although I think it has to be got on prescription) called doublebase, throughout the day, and before or after he goes in the shower to protect his skin. The other thing he found that really helps is seaweed baths – we bought a large tub of powdered seaweed and it cleared up almost instantly, and when he ran out it came back. It think thats something to do with the zinc somebody mentioned before? Also he uses seaweed soap, and we are lucky as we live 20m from the sea, in the summer he dips himself in the sea regularly (not sure how it works) and that seems to really help too?

  • Audball

    January 24, 2010 at 1:19 pm

    Tammy – yeah at first the doc thought mine might be that fungus, but confirmed its eczema because of the appearance.

    rachie – Oilatum looks good, might give it a try. I tried E45 at first, but some of the ingredients in it irritated my eczema. Maybe the skin was broken though..

    azzwoo – yea it looks like doubelase is an emollient, which i need some of, so I might try that one. And I will definitely have to give the seaweed bath a go! I live right beside the sea too, so I could have a dip, but it is freeeeezing!! (think i’d rather fork out for the seaweed!)

    Thanks guys for your suggestions, I really appreciate it, need to get to the pharmacy today to try some of these out! https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_thumleft.gif

  • moonflower

    January 27, 2010 at 10:22 pm

    My eczema came back recently. I thought I got rid of it when I grew up, I guess I was wrong. I have bad patches on my shoudler and scalp and it causes bald patches, mostly becuase I have horrible control and I scratched it. I have a hydrocortisone lotion from the doctor, but honestly, I dont; see any improvement. My skin is also very dry with patches all over.

    I’ve been using a natural bees wax cream for my body. It’s made from wax from a local apiary. This wax based cream functions more as a barrier, rather than a moisterizer though. So it’s protects but doesn;t cure the dryness.

  • Rouge_LAmour

    February 19, 2010 at 10:42 am

    try ti tree oil. It worked for me when I reacted badly to rosin.

    Also check out the chemicals in products you’re using: do they contain any methyl or ethyl parabens – these cause skin irritations in a lot of people.

    I get contact irritation from rosin (used by gymnasts / tissu etc for grip), chicken, honey and surgical steel in addition to many other things. It’s part of why I went vegan and that has helped.

    I can minor irritations from very dry skin and have had eczema all my life.
    Keep the irritations well emoliated with pure oils; lavender may help reduce the itch, ti / tea tree oil will work wonders, but does take some time.
    Don’t use hydrocortisone too frequently, the body builds an immunity to it and it stops working. 10% doesn’t work on me now and neither do many alternatives. Ergo manuka and kanuka oil.

    Good luck!

  • moonflower

    February 20, 2010 at 12:29 am

    I"m using tea tree oil right now diluted it with grapeseed oil. It does really help with the redness and stops from getting oozy. BUT the smell makes me so nauseous! https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_puke_r.gif
    The patches are on my neck, shoulders and scalp so it’s close to my nose too.

  • Vdub

    February 26, 2010 at 4:01 pm

    Audball, you may want to figure out if there’s yeast in your system. Yeast buildup is a frequent problem that goes unnoticed in traditional medicine. Here’s a quick test to see if yeast is the culprit:

    In the morning BEFORE you put anything in your mouth get a clear glass and fill it with water. Work up some saliva in your mouth and spit in the glass. Check it every 15 minutes or so for an hour. If you see legs travelling down from your saliva then you probably have a yeast problem. If there are no strings and the saliva is still floating after an hour then yeast probably isn’t a problem.

    If you find you have a yeast problem, I would recommend reading The Yeast Connection (forgot the author’s name). Follow the diet in the book for about a month and see if you notice any changes. You may also want to pick up a good quality probiotic. Evening Primrose is good for eczema as well.

    Also, use the hydrocortisone and any steriod based creams as little as possible. Steriods can cause problems down the line if used too much. I have clients (I’m a health and wellness coach) that have this problem so use them sparingly and try to find a more natural solution to the eczema.

    Hope this helps!

  • goforit

    February 27, 2010 at 10:36 pm

    Try Amlactin 12% Lotion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The GENERIC version is Ammonium Lactate and works JUST as well and will save you money. Please give it a try and let us know the results. It is actually over the counter, but you may need to ask the Pharmacist for it because it is usually kept in the pharmacy (in their "special" over the counter section). I have a relative that has had eczema and asthma since birth and no other topical has worked better for her than Amlactin Lotion.

  • Audball

    February 28, 2010 at 2:10 am

    I will write this down and try and get it during this week, as several people have mentioned it now. My bedroom is full of tubs and tubes of all sorts of creams, so maybe this will be the one! Lol, for anyone else suffering with eczema out there, I have been using dexeryl lotion, and it’s great https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_e_smile.gif

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