Forums Discussions I got my mom to sit through some pole videos!

  • I got my mom to sit through some pole videos!

    Posted by Foxy_Rei on January 27, 2010 at 12:55 am

    … not of me though, lol.

    So my mom (and everyone else in my family other than my husband) has never liked the idea of pole dancing. I didn’t even want her to know about it because I knew she would have a negative reaction. But God had other plans – my little toddler ran into our bedroom when my mom was babysitting and there the pole was!

    It’s been one of those things that she just refused to talk about. I’d bring it up in conversation and she would completely ignore me. I tried showing videos to my sister and my mom wouldn’t let me use her laptop to do it – she reacted like I was going to put some dangerous stripper virus on her computer (and she runs Windows… as if that’s not viral at all).

    Well the other day it came up because I guess my daughter (2 years old now) likes to go up and spin around pole-like objects and my mom was concerned. I don’t pole in front of my daughter and I guess my mom didn’t realize that young children sometimes have an automatic fascination with playing on poles.

    I ended up trying to casually mention how I just got back on the pole after several months and blah blah blah. I finally took her computer and showed her the clip of Conan O’Brian pole dancing on his show someone recently posted, then moved on to a clip from the canceled "world" competition in Amsterdam from last year and Felix’s winning routine at the other world competition. Her eyes bugged out a bit at Felix and her flexibility, but she didn’t ask me to stop or put it away or anything. She seemed impressed.

    But it’s still an accomplishment. Went from a complete unmentionable to tolerant. I was happy

    nyte rayn replied 14 years, 7 months ago 10 Members · 10 Replies
  • 10 Replies
  • Audball

    January 27, 2010 at 1:41 am

    Congrats! I’m fighting the same battle, wish I had a toddler around to break the ice! I keep my pole at the boyfriends house, and when I mentioned pole dancing for fitness.. my mom just didn’t really respond, except making a weird expression, not even making eye contact, it was strange! So I didn’t even get around to telling her I have my own pole! Lol! So now I can’t tell anyone else, because if someone says something on facebook, etc, my mom will find out and be angry that I didn’t tell her blah blah!! excuses!!

    Anyway, well done, must be a relief for you!

  • Gsylass

    January 27, 2010 at 8:09 am

    That is an improvement Foxy! My mom is tolerant but prefers not to think about it. My granny has a huge issue with it though, and although she knows she ignores it. She thought my pole was holding the ceiling up and was quite happy when my little nieces were chasing each other round and round, until I reassured her that the ceiling was fine and that was my pole… LOL! Way to go with your mom though, that’s a great start!

  • PhillyPoleJess

    January 27, 2010 at 9:11 pm

    I am glad you two at least are coming to a neutral place on the topic. Stories like this just remind me how blessed i am. For christmas my parents are paying for my hotel for VPC. My one aunt has come to my class. My mom has bought me 8 inch heels and shows all her friends my youtube videos. I am extremely thankful!

  • Reyn

    January 29, 2010 at 4:42 pm

    My mom seems tolerant but I feel like she (and anyone else I know) take it for stripper dancing and don’t understand how much is involved. But how do you show someone the truth when they already have such a preconceived notion that they aren’t open to understanding??

  • poledanceromance

    February 8, 2010 at 3:30 pm

    Show her some vid’s like Oona’s! That will change her mind about the range of what pole dancing can accomplish.

  • verucablue

    February 8, 2010 at 6:32 pm

    It’s a huge start… hopefully she will come around – parents are tricky you never know what to expect

    Makes me realize how lucky I am – my Mom thinks its cool. My Mom is pretty cool but sometimes it’s a little disconcerting…like when she saw my pin up photo’s in the guest bath and said to my husband and I "that’s cool…very sexy and tasteful – maybe I could do that – honey can you set up a session" UGGGG my husbands head snapped up SO fast from his book LOL – I don’t think he needed a picture in his head of my mom in a corset and a g string LOL…your parents aren’t supposed to be sexual…obviously we know they are – but blech call me a prude but I don’t really a visual…

    And I think that lots of parents probably feel the same way about their babies. For the Father’s it’s the thought of their daughters being watched by men the way they they might watch other women pole dancing and for the Mom’s it’s the loss of their baby girl…they are women now. Just my theory at least

    Yet my Mom is quite impressed that *at my age* I can still flip upside down and stuff and that’s pretty cool of her. She did however point out that "Honey – if you can do this NOW* WHY did you suck at bars so much as a gymnast???" She didn’t actually say suck…but I know that’s what she meant lol.

    She’s right I did! I HATED bars with a passion…honestly if I could have worn cute ruffle butts during bars I might have liked it a tiny bit more…

  • margie

    February 8, 2010 at 7:14 pm

    Well you see, I am the mom and I am having trouble with the thought of telling my grown children I love to pole dance and I have a pole in my kitchen. I think my son would understand the fitness part of it but my daughter/drama queen would just see the so called dirty side of it. I would so love to share it with them but I just don’t think I will ever have the perfect time to tell them. There are still so many people out there that see it as a dirty thing and I wish we all could prove to them it doesn’t h ave to be

  • verucablue

    February 8, 2010 at 7:53 pm

    She might surprise you you never know.

    I think it’s hard to view our parents as whole beings who have lives outside of us lol…but hopefully they can see what a cool, fit, special mom they have and be supportive towards your choices.

  • sima

    February 9, 2010 at 1:29 am

    Here’s what I did: I emailed my mom my favorite video of pantera (just search gravity defying pole dancer on youtube)
    My mom’s response: I fully support you pole dancing! Its gymnastics on a pole!
    That video has helped me change a lot of opinions on pole dancing!

  • nyte rayn

    February 11, 2010 at 3:15 am

    My mom had the whole "your gonna be a stripper !’ idea she lives in florida and hated the thought of my sisters and I pole dancing for fitness . She came for a visit and my dance instructor came by and was showin us some new things by the end of the visit mom was laughing having a good time and was amazed at how much strenght it takes! She even tried a spin lol!!! she thinks it’s coolest thing now!!!!!

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