Forums Discussions Pole wear

  • Pole wear

    Posted by Chrissy05 on January 29, 2010 at 2:57 am

    I am complete newbie to poling…I haven’t even gotten my pole yet. Plan to in the next month but I’m starting to prepare when the day comes I have a whole room set aside have ordered my 6inch pleaser pumps etc.

    Don’t know if this is already posted but does anyone have any suggestions on websites that sell good poling attire? I’ve checked out some of the vids and I see some women wearing like really cool metallic booty shorts and they are so hot! I want some but don’t know where to begin looking Please help Thanks guys!!! Chrissy

    I am in the USA so please no Uk sites

    DragonPhoenix replied 14 years, 7 months ago 7 Members · 9 Replies
  • 9 Replies

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