Forums Discussions xpoles over 12 feet?

  • xpoles over 12 feet?

    Posted by sima on February 3, 2010 at 6:05 pm

    Hello ladies!I have an xpole and I am looking for a new apartment in brooklyn. Some of the places have ceilings over 12 (the highest extension the xpole sells) but I don’t want to turn down an amazing place that my roomates and I love. So I was wondering if any of you knew if there were any possibilities for poles over 12ft. Any info would be very much appreciated! Thanks!

    sima replied 14 years, 8 months ago 3 Members · 10 Replies
  • 10 Replies
  • amy

    February 3, 2010 at 6:26 pm

    hey sima,

    xpole won’t recommend going over 12’… is there any chance that your roomies would be ok with you putting in a permanent pole?

    btw, i’m in nyc too! where do you take classes?

  • sima

    February 3, 2010 at 6:36 pm

    Yes thankfully they would be fine with a permanent pole! Do you know how one goes about that?
    Where in nyc? I’m in the bushwick area off brooklyn. I used to take classes at crunch but once I got my xpole in may I have just been wingin it myself but I would love to take classes especially at an actual pole studio, they are just so expensive!

  • amy

    February 3, 2010 at 6:52 pm

    i know platinum stages sells permanent poles:" onclick=";return false;

    so i think you’re safe. happy apartment hunting (12′ ceilings sound amaaaazing!) and don’t let the pole issue hold you back! i think you can def find one that will work for you =)

    i live on the upper west side in manhattan. i just joined crunch in oct, but i’ve been taking classes at sfactor for a while. i agree, pole classes are super expensive! take a look at my post in this thread here:" onclick=";return false; there’s a studio on LES that is offering open pole time for $10 for 1.5 hrs and i’m trying to get a bunch of SV girls to go! it could be fun to have a pole jam =)

    fyi, of all the places i’ve looked at, shockra is the least expensive but classes are only 1 hr… body & pole has 1.5 hr classes for about $30 i think but you can buy a multi pack and use it when you want. are you still a member at crunch?

  • sima

    February 3, 2010 at 7:13 pm

    Thanks for the info! Unfortunatley with a down payment there is no way I can get a new pole but I’m sure I will figure something out!
    That is the great thing about brooklyn, lotsa space a cheap rent!!
    I have taken a few classes at shokra but I think a LES pole jam is a great idea! We should definitley try to get that going for sometime in the near future!
    I am still a member at crunch but haven’t been there in forever I had been working at david barton’s gym but since I quit there I will be back as soon as I’m back in the city (taking a month off to save money at home! Makes it even better that home is south florida and it is feb!)
    I am going to check that link right now!
    Oh and how is sfactor? I imagine it would be amazing!

  • Judy Jovanelly

    February 3, 2010 at 7:17 pm

    PoleDanzer (which was recommended to me by Empyrean) goes over 12′. I spoke with them just recently about ordering poles, and the guy there, Robert, is wonderful. He knows what he is doing. You can take a look at their stuff at

  • sima

    February 3, 2010 at 7:29 pm

    thank you love! you are all so helpful!!

  • amy

    February 3, 2010 at 8:22 pm

    hm, btw, if you are looking to sell your xpole in the future try doing it on sv! my friend may be interested too =) hopefully you will be back in time for the pole jam @ b&P but no worries, i have a feeling we’ll be taking advantage of that pretty often =)

    sfactor is great! i love a lot about the studio and philosophy there. you learn to be so much more confident with your body and yourself and it really ends up changing you from the inside out. i highly reocmmend the classes to people, especially if they are looking to learn fluid movement and floorwork… i’ve been there a couple years and i’m looking to chalelnge myself more with the pole and incorporate more pole movement and advanced inversions into my dancing, which isn’t really supported at sfactor…. hence exploring other studios =)

  • sima

    February 3, 2010 at 8:57 pm

    I never would of thought of that! Thanks selling it if necessary would be a great idea. Because if I did find an apartment with super high ceilings, I would HAVE to invest in say, a 14ft spinning permanant pole!!! i get excited just thinking about it!! Great to know I have options…
    Yeah, sfactor seemed like it is a lot about helping women be confident and comfortable with their sexuality (with is great!! Our culture sexually represses women! but that is another rant tehehe) and not as much crazy pole work which is what I am into! It’s pretty funny, because I am very comfortable in my sexuality, comfortable talking about all aspects of human sexuality, shake my ass when I dance (kinda all I know how to do lol), but when I pole dance, I am all about the tricks! But I definitly see the benefit of floor work, sexy moves, in pole dancing: it gives you some time to breath in between all the crazy tricks! haha
    I think it is my former gymnast, diver, trampoline addict childhood. I just love to be upside down!
    Also, when I first started lessons at crunch you have to share a pole and only have limited time so when it was my turn I was just trying to practice as many tricks as possible! haha
    But I am going to try to go to one of the advanced crunch classes when I get back. I have never been to one (except my first class by accident so I didn’t get to benefit) but I might as well I am still paying the membership!
    Let me know if you find another good studio, I also plan to try out a class at the Trapaze Tent (i think that is what it is called it is in williamsburg) which has all sorts of circus arts classes for WAY cheaper then the one in manhatten. A beginner class where you get to try all the different equipment for 2hrs is $25! sunday 4-6

  • amy

    February 3, 2010 at 10:06 pm

    aww i see the dance part of pole dance as more than just room to breathe– i think it’s what makes each of us unique and gives us each style! sounds like you were a ball of energy as a kid, doing tons of stuff =)

    i take aerial silks at ny circus arts which was in manhattan but has moved to a huge facility in long island city. i’ve never heard of the trapeze tent– i know there’s skybox in w’burg (one of the advanced students at crunch teaches there), and trapeze school ny (midtown west) but for silks, where you’re 30′ in the air and there is sooo much possibility for injury if you do things wrong, i want to have a damn good teacher and i’ve found them at ny circus arts =) i would highly suggest them if you’re really into it, nearly all of their advanced students perform in venues thru out the city and they have a professional full-time circus program also! their classes are $55 for 2 hrs and they do drop ins but their sessions are great, all the skills really build on each other and it’s a very structured curriculum unlike a lot of the other places.

  • sima

    February 3, 2010 at 11:05 pm

    yup! I love all the different ways girls (and boys!) take on the pole with their own lil twist! But I have been trying to add more dancing when I practice! Just for fun!
    Maybe it is the skybox, but good point, it’s kinda like you shouldn’t buy a bargain tattoo lol. Thank you for the recommendation I am definitley going to look into that school, probably right now! If I didn’t have to work or worry about money I would take classes like that all day! so I am going to start finding ways to do it, even if I can only save enough for like one class a month. Can’t wait to get back to the city! I’m getting too excited! haha and I miss my pole!

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