Forums Discussions Too Slim?!

  • Too Slim?!

    Posted by Sabrina27 on February 5, 2010 at 1:49 pm

    While my hand grip and strength are coming along nicely I’m still having problems with being able to grip the pole with my thighs Pole sits or the basic fireman hold is a no no for me – yet I am holding on to that pole for dear life!

    Last night at class I was told due to not having enough "meat" in the upper thigh area that I will find it more difficult and would need to do some leg exercises to the strengthen my thighs.

    Has anyone else experienced this problem?

    Mary Ellyn replied 14 years, 7 months ago 6 Members · 9 Replies
  • 9 Replies
  • polergirl

    February 5, 2010 at 3:41 pm

    Some moves will be harder than others for everyone…but if the Veenas and Karols of the world can grip, I’d say yours is more a question of technique than physicality. How long have you been poling? Normally it just takes time to learn how to leverage your body on the pole and time to discover where your sweet spots are.

  • Sabrina27

    February 5, 2010 at 3:49 pm

    Haven’t been poling for long, say 2- 3 months.

  • MissJinx07

    February 5, 2010 at 3:53 pm

    I also have this problem. Not really with pole sit, but I have to fight with my advance plank & am terrified when trying the CAR because I just don’t feel I can hold myself with my thighs. "/ But I think it gets easier the more you work at because Veena & Karol are tiny and they pull out moves like crazy. I guess we’ll just have to try new techniques But just know I feel your pain! lol

  • witeroze

    February 5, 2010 at 4:04 pm

    i have this problem too with the thigh holds.
    i’m trying to gain about 10 pounds right now so i’m hoping this problem will get solved, (along with my lack of arm strength from my weakling arms lol) but on the bright side, i feel that lighter girls have an advantage when it comes to spins, i think it’s easier to do nice full spins with momentum when you have less weight to carry.

  • keirsten

    February 5, 2010 at 7:46 pm

    yep, I feel ya hun! I got me a pair of chickensticks. you’ll learn to work with them, you’ll find the perfect spot to land the moves your talking about, just give it time. The advanced plank took me forever to get down cause I thought my sticks would just give out on me, but I kept squeezing the holy crap out of my thighs and eventually things started working out so strut thoughs sticks

  • MissJinx07

    February 5, 2010 at 11:06 pm

    i have this problem too with the thigh holds.
    i’m trying to gain about 10 pounds right now so i’m hoping this problem will get solved, (along with my lack of arm strength from my weakling arms lol) but on the bright side, i feel that lighter girls have an advantage when it comes to spins, i think it’s easier to do nice full spins with momentum when you have less weight to carry.

    hehe I thought I was the only one who ever wants to gain weight!
    One of my New Year’s resolutions was also gain 10 pounds

  • witeroze

    February 5, 2010 at 11:57 pm

    lol ya… gaining is harder than people would think!

  • Mary Ellyn

    February 6, 2010 at 3:44 pm

    There is definitely a difference on the moves that come more easily based on the size of your legs but it might not be a need for more muscle. Of course more muscle will help with any move so it can’t hurt either.

    Slimmer legs do the cross knee release better and larger proportioned legs do the cross ankle better. Both have more challenges with the opposite move.

    Mostly it’s learning how to position your legs and as others said that can be done with practice.

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