Forums Discussions X-pert Review

  • X-pert Review

    Posted by Mary Ellyn on February 18, 2010 at 6:31 am

    We just set up our first X-pert poles tonight. Here is my initial impression:

    1. First time setting up is confusing…but then I don’t really remember how confusing it was the first time with an original X but I know it was also worse the first time until I figured it out. I really don’t like the written instructions and there is no longer a DVD.

    2. DON’T TOUCH the adjuster rod when setting up,…the new grease they use sticks to your skin and is very difficult to remove.

    3. Once you understand the basic concept of how to set it up…it’s amazing! I didn’t realize this but you wind up the pole by turning the pole with your hands!!! No wrench or "chopstick" to cranks…just twist the pole and set it up or untwist it and take it down. You really can do it with out a chair or ladder. It’s much faster than the old design.

    4. I love the smaller base….the streamlined look and functionally usable pole from top to bottom. Still just as easy to go from spin to static and back.

    5. The "X-joint" is a remarkable concept and so much better than screwed together joints! No more need to disassemble your pole for regular maintainance…no more stuck pole pieces and no more need for the additional super release tools.

    Overall it’s a winner. I’m happy we switched all our poles over to the new X-pert!!!

    ShonaLancs replied 12 years, 11 months ago 13 Members · 38 Replies
  • 38 Replies
  • Foxy_Rei

    February 18, 2010 at 3:30 pm

    Empyrean – what did you think of the new bottom loading-ness and the cover? Just curious, I can’t seem to find pictures of it to see how it works…

  • Mary Ellyn

    February 18, 2010 at 3:47 pm

    Foxy I love it! It’s very secure and feels good to grip so if you are gripping low (say for a handspring on a low ceiling) you have a stable hold.

    Here is a picture but it may still be difficult to understand:" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;

    The image on the left is actually the very TOP of the pole which inserts into the ceiling dome – which by the way it uses to old dome if anyone didn’t know that.

    The middle image shows the base with the adjuster cover up in place and closed and the one on the right shows it with the adjuster cover open and slid to the bottom of the pole to expose the adjuster rod.

    The adjuster rod is also thicker than the old one making it more stable.

    The slide cover is threaded so it screws into place when you put it back to cover the adjuster rod. It screws onto the very bottom of the pole section ABOVE it.

    It’s thin…though it may be a bit thicker or it’s made of different materials than the old one as it doesn’t feel as "light" as the old slide cover. There is a tiny bit of overlap at the very bottom end of the slide cover which I do not feel is a problem. It’s so close to the floor and it’s so slim it is barely noticable.

  • Foxy_Rei

    February 18, 2010 at 8:38 pm

    Ahhh I see now… that’s awesome! Why didn’t they think of that the first time around? I’ve been drooling over a 45mm for a while, then they came out with the new design so I’ve been trying to understand how it works (I won’t be able to afford one for a very long time, but I can dream…)

    However, at this point if someone was giving away one of the old style 45s, I’d so take it lol

  • Sapphirecatzeye

    February 18, 2010 at 9:15 pm

    Did my husband put mine up wrong or is the thread suppose to be exposed when the ceiling is 9 feet?
    I told him the cover should be over the thread but he said to get it up to 9′ it wont cover it.
    I still like having the height and pole fully extended at the top so it doesnt get in the way for the high tricks.

  • Mary Ellyn

    February 18, 2010 at 9:26 pm

    To my knowledge the thread is not suppose to be exposed…but I know that with the original X it was a close fit depending on how much give your ceiling/floor has…it is really EXACTLY 9 feet…and are you on carpet which will sink in after you set up. I usually got a 100mm extension to use on the 9 foot ceilings…you may wish to do so yourself.

    I’m going to be setting up in one of my rooms on a 9 foot ceiling tomorrow…I’ll get back toyou and let you know what happens with it for me.

  • Sapphirecatzeye

    February 18, 2010 at 10:58 pm

    ok thanks let me know, i think its the 9′ feet, but i want to be sure its not my husbands messy set up lol

  • Audball

    February 19, 2010 at 2:15 pm

    About the thread, it is technically not supposed to be exposed as it’s only supposed to be wound out 5 inches, or else you need a bigger extension. However, I couldn’t fit the bigger extension into my ceiling, and with the smaller extension, I need to have some of the thread exposed. I rang xpole about this and they said it’s fine up to 6 inches (1 inch thread showing) as they leave a big safety margin.

    The only thing i’d be careful with if your using the bottom of the pole, like for a handspring mount, make sure the adjuster cover is really tight as if it loosens, you could slip i guess. (maybe that’s just me being silly and not tightening it enough though!)

    I love my xpertm but i’m wondering about the whole putting it up without a ladder thing. Don’t they say it’s important to have the dome resting flat on the ceiling. How can you reliably do that without holding the dome onto the ceiling as you tighten the pole? It’s not a huge problem for me as my ceilings aren’t that high, but wondering if there’s an easier way?

  • byrdgrrl

    February 19, 2010 at 8:06 pm

    I do it by feel. I make sure that the pole is vertical, then start twisting. The pole twists pretty easily until almost the very end. Once I start to feel some resistance to the twisting, I give it a couple more twists to really secure it and to line up the screws. Before I start dancing, I make sure that I really pull and hang on it to make sure that it’s solid. So far, no problems!

  • Louisex

    February 19, 2010 at 11:03 pm

    iv just put my xpert up and i cant refit the adjuster cover. it just wont go on. pleaseeee help


  • Mary Ellyn

    February 20, 2010 at 12:17 am

    Hi Louise…same thing happened to me today.

    Unwind your pole so it’s completely free of the ceiling…then put it back up again. Be careful not to overtighten it as it can bow which is what I believe happened with mine.

    Sapphire…I got my pole set up and forgot to get an exact measurement of the ceiling height. I know I had to use all extensions but it may be just a bit under 9feet. I”ll try to get it tomorrow! Sorry!

    Audball…I worry about the dome being flat against the ceiling too. However I think I can tell if it is by giving it a slight wiggle when it’s up against the ceiling but not tightened all the way. If it doesn’t "roll" around an edge then I feel pretty secure with it.

  • verucablue

    February 20, 2010 at 1:54 am

    hmmm…I need a grippier non spinning pole…but this seems like so much work LOL…how does the grip on the TG compare to say a powder coated grip?

  • Louisex

    February 21, 2010 at 1:11 pm

    right lol,

    when assenbling the pole, the 125mm went in and then i put the dome on and it was way too close to the ceiling, one side of the dome was already touching the ceiling and the adjuster rod wasnt unwound yet. so i took the extension out and used the 2 main pieces and unwound the adjuster and the rod was out mire than 5"(125mm).

    when i had the old version, the 125mm fitted perfect so the rod was only unwound a little bit (a bit showing) so i didnt need the adjuster cover. now im thinking do i need to wind the adjuster rod nearly fully back into the pole to fit the 125mm on then wind back up again? (as with the old version like i said, only abit of the adjuster rod needed to be out for it to be tight).

  • Mary Ellyn

    February 21, 2010 at 2:54 pm

    Hi Louis…so your ceiling is lower than 8 feet?

    Anyway…if your pole CAN fit with the 125 and you can get the pole in place with the dome remaining flush against the ceiling (so that that one edge of the dome is not stuck higher than the other) then I would try to set it up this way.

    Almost every ceiling is going to "give" a little (unless you are on a concrete ceiling) and I think you will find that your ceiling will lift a bit and you’ll definitely see some of the adjuster rod being exposed.

    Of course. "exposing" the adjuster rod is not necessary…it’s really tightening it in place so that it’s firm that makes it secure…but that will likely expose some adjuster rod.

    THe other option is to buy a 100 mm. extension! I love those things!

  • Foxy_Rei

    February 21, 2010 at 7:44 pm

    My 100mm is coming this week! I’m so excited to get that extra 4 inches of usable pole! (hey, every little bit counts when you have ceilings as low as mine

  • psychoholicslag

    February 23, 2010 at 12:37 pm

    I’ve posted a video of how this pole is installed. Thought some might find it helpful.

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