Forums Discussions USPDF Amateur Winners

  • Serzi

    March 20, 2010 at 3:53 am

    Hey! Congrats to Mina and Kyra!!! Just to let everyone know (if you don’t already, lol) Alethea Austin has WON the National Pro-division for 2010!!! WHOO-HOO, GO ALETHEA! =D Does anyone know who took second place yet???? Am quite curious…OH YEAH!!!! I just found out that Karol Helms is the new Miss Sexy, AHHHHHHH!!!! Totally psyched!!! What an awesome year for pole-dancing!!!!

    ? ~*Serzi

  • PrettyKitty

    March 20, 2010 at 4:23 am

    Congrats to Mina, Kyra, Alethea, and Karol!! I hate that I missed USPDF competition this weekend, but i can’t wait to read all the great blogs and see the videos (kinda of makes you feel like you were there…just a little bit congrats again, Kitty

  • MilienElayne

    March 20, 2010 at 7:21 am

    Oooh! Awesomeness!

    Thanks so much for the updates, guys! Keep them coming!!!

  • GatorGirl4Life

    March 20, 2010 at 3:57 pm

    Estee won Miss Trixter! Congrats to Karol, Alethea, Kyra and Mina!! Both comps were awesome!! I saw a lot of Allegras, backwards shoulder rolls on the floor (fish flop), and Jade (Jamilla) Splits. A few amazing TG handsprings, but of course Sarah and Zoraya had the best lifts and Iron X’s! Estee did a great show, especially in her second round (optional round) where she started wearing a showgirl outfit that looked a lot like this:


    Alethea handcuffed herself to the pole for most of her optional round, and put on a stunning, sexy performance! Karol was flexy as ever, and took Alethea’s spot as Miss Sexy. (rightfully so ;] ) Jenyne and Allegra both had amazing performances as well, and we even got some mini interviews with them after the comp was over. Jenyne wore a BEAUTIFULLY rhinestone encrusted monkini and Allegra wore a silver outfit with arm sleeves, used a fake rubber snake as a prop, and for the first part of the performance wore a medusa-like hat. It was neat to watch Allegra, because I had not seen her as theatrical (using the snake and wearing the hat) as that before from her YouTube videos.
    Most people (in both comps) were barefoot for the optional round, and EVERYONE added a LOT more expressive dance to their routines than I have ever seen before in the comps. I almost got the impression that a lot of people had actual dance choreographers work with them on adding more lyrical/ballet/modern style dance in between pole tricks. I didn’t like some of the music choices, as they were a little slow and boring, and I really think people should consider the audience’s response to the music as it greatly affects their performance. Thankfully and fortunately no one fell on stage or got hurt during their performance, although Alethea admitted she popped her knee out of place or something right before her last round, so I’m hoping that she rests up and doesn’t over do it at the workshop I have with her today….

    I had a great time at the after party and thought Poletential did a GREAT job of hosting the shin dig! It was great meeting people face to face for the first time, and seeing old friends again. Now I’m off to take Alethea’s workshop today and Leigh Ann Orsi at B&P tomorrow!


  • Angel1201

    March 21, 2010 at 1:22 pm

    The amateur comp was so great to see. The theatre was very small and I was able to nab a seat in the 2nd row!! Most of the girls put on very ‘dancy’ performances and did a lot of floor work between the poles. Mina did a fantastic job and for me Kyra really stood out on her optional routine. She really deserves a spot in the pro-level. I think I was rooting for her b/c I saw her slip (pole was f-ed up) in the East Coast comp and she really deserved a second chance on a clean pole. Becca’s performance had a lot of people talking and my friend said she’d have chosen her to win if she were a judge. She did some new combinations that blew me away. Caterina stayed on the pole for most of her routine, but she seemed disconnected somehow from the audience. I kept seeing powder flying off of her and lots of sparkle rained down off her outfit. Amy Richards was so cool to see, very dancy of course, and she did a move that lots of the girls who were with me raved about. Must try it!! Amy Guion wore a very cute outfit, but it was a bit poufy and I think it took away from her lines a bit. Overall, all six are fantastic dancers who deserve props and recognition. Caterina keeps me going b/c she’s in my age range and is going strong!

    All in all, $20 bucks for a second row seat watching the big girls dance! Wow!! So glad I went!

  • joni1

    March 21, 2010 at 9:54 pm

    OH how I wish I was there. Does anyone have any link or vids to any of the performances

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