Forums Discussions stage or free standing poles

  • stage or free standing poles

    Posted by Lady-Emily on May 21, 2010 at 7:55 pm

    Hi Everyone,

    I need to purchase the x-stage or the platinum stages star stage. I haven’t decided which one yet. I’m pretty loyal to x-pole and own a few. The studio I teach at uses only x-poles too but I need something that I can take with me to teach privates in-home and perform at various events to promote my business. I’m leaning towards the start stage because its not as tall at the base and seems more friendly in terms of working better in someones home and at a venue.
    Does anyone have an option on the two companies or are they selling theirs?

    Spinderells replied 14 years, 3 months ago 15 Members · 21 Replies
  • 21 Replies
  • Solya

    May 21, 2010 at 11:29 pm

    I haven’t tried the PS free standing pole yet but I wouldn’t recommend the X-stage. We teach on 3 X-stages and there are so many problems with them it’s insane. The whole thing is incredibly heavy so if you need to carry your pole around the X-stage will be a PITA, you can’t lift the base alone. All our carry cases fell apart after only weeks of use. The old screw joint version poles keep getting stuck literally all the time so we got a new X-joint one. First the X-joint just went awry and we had to hammer the whole pole in place everytime we put the two parts together. Now the pole has been stuck for 2 weeks and we can’t take it apart. The plates of the new version are impossible to get into place so we have to kick and jump on them to get them to fit.

    Bottom line is, the X-pole is not very user-friendly. It’s also taller than the PS pole so you can’t use it with lower ceilings. Perhaps you could look into the R-pole, its base is even shorter than the PS’s and it seems very easy to put up.

  • Bex

    May 27, 2010 at 7:36 pm

    I’ve played/danced on both and personally I would go for the PS Star Stand Alone. In fact, I plan to order one as soon as I have the $$ to do so.

    I am even more convinced after this last weekend’s International Pole Convention. They had the X-stage poles for performers and the workshops. The legs protrude and there is no way to avoid tripping on them.

  • Mary Ellyn

    May 27, 2010 at 11:11 pm

    Interesting difference in perspectives.

    I’ve been using the Xstage since last May and I have no problems with it. Yes, it’s heavy…that’s why it’s safe and more stable than the Star. I used the Star this past weekend the sway on the pole is much more than I would ever consider allowing a student to learn on. Most would be very intimidate by that sort of instablity as well. I’ve carried that stage up a flight of stairs (in it’s case) myself. Would I WANT to do that often? Heck no..but there is a price to pay for a heavier duty pole.

    I can use the Star and feel quite comfortable on it due to my experience and control, but I would not teach on it.

    The leg extensions on the XStage do not have to be used and in fact, we seldom pull them out and it’s still more stable than the Star but if you do choose to use them in class they will be a factor as people will step on them or trip over them.

    With the new Xpert joints, the Xstage can be adapted to lower ceiling heights so you can virtually set it up to any height you wish below the standard issue pole that comes with it if you use or purchase another extension fronm Xpole.

    The flooring was never an issue for us after assembling it once or twice. It’s gone together quite easily every time for us. I would recommend purchasing an extra carrying case for the flooring as they provide two canvas bags for the 6 pie-shaped flooring pieces and we figured that would rip easily so we ordered an extra and put 2 flooring sections in each of 3 bags instead of 3 sections in two bags.

    Best of all, the Xstage "lite" with a low platform ( I think only about 3 inches high off the floor) will be available this fall if you can wait for that.

  • SissyBuns

    May 27, 2010 at 11:36 pm

    I second the X-Stage lite. I saw it in action all weekend at pole con (since it was set up in the vendor room where I spent all of my time) and all the superstars got busy on it with no problems.

  • Serzi

    May 28, 2010 at 5:57 am

    I own an X-Stage (predating the X-joint version). It’s the only pole I have and, to be honest, it has served me quite well. I have never had any problems taking it apart and setting it up (in fact, I found out that I can take it apart and set it up again in under thirty minutes!); my carrying cases are still like new even though I’ve had to move them quite a lot in the passed year; spin-mode is like heaven, it is so smooth and comfortable; above all, this set-up is amazingly stable! What someone else said is right, you do not have to extend the legs if you are worried about tripping over them but they are a nice option for added stability. There are also places to put weights under the platform if you are still concerned about stability, although I’ve never had to use them. The chrome finish has been a dream to pole on, I officially prefer it to any other finish I have had the opportunity to use (regular stainless, acrylic, and brass).

    There are, however, a few things that I do not like about my X-Stage. For one, the carrying cases for the stage-plates are designed in a way that makes them difficult to lift and carry when the plates are in them but that’s just a minor gripe. I do not like how using a stage limits my ability to do floor-work and forces me to be more cautious when landing from an invert or practicing a new move. When I wear heels the metal platform makes very loud clunking echoes as I walk, but I just crank my music up louder. My pole has some sway at the top and it took me a while to trust that it would hold me. Some of my stage-plates are stubborn about locking in, but I’ve pretty much got them figured out now…like I said, I can put it up and take it down in under a half hour. Overall, the pole itself does not disappoint me in the least but, like I said, I have the old model without the X-joint so I don’t know if it’s better or worse now.

    I am curious about the PS Star-Standalone, though. I know of a few local girls who own it but I haven’t gotten the chance to compare yet. I am loyal to my X-Stage, but I’m very interested to try out the Star and see if maybe I’d like to purchase one of those too. Seems there would be an advantage in the fact that the platform is so much lower; it would give me more pole to work with (since my ceilings are low and vaulted) and I probably wouldn’t have to be so cautious with floor-work or landing inverts. Still, I’d like to try before I buy since I didn’t have that opportunity w/ my X-Stage.

    Good luck w/ choosing your new pole, I hope my review helped you at least a little. lol =D


  • minicoopergrl

    May 28, 2010 at 2:19 pm

    Xpole is making a 2.0 of thier stage to be lower to the ground. Clive was talking about that at the Convention. It was there as well. I would rather have my stage low to the ground, I love doing floorwork and that step down is kinda scary sometimes. I almost stubbed my toe a few time over those pieces. I was impressed with the xstage since it held me with no problem.

    I think PS lets you rent thier stuff if your local to them.

  • Charley

    May 28, 2010 at 3:30 pm

    I have heard that the Star Stand Alone pole comes undone when you spin left…this is a huge issue for me because I spin both ways. I have also ordered one and they say that the problem is fixed.

    I have used platinum stages poles for a long time now and I have to say not all ps poles are equal. Some are great…others not so much. I generally prefer stainless steel so they are my only option. Out of 4 Ps poles I had 2 had to get new ceiling plates, 2 others didn’t thread with the extra extensions and just recently my pole went through the ceiling plate…when I called them they tried to charge me almost $50. Trust me the pole going through the ceiling plate was not my fault I spent a year and a half taking them up and down I think I know how to put them up.

  • pole-twista

    May 29, 2010 at 1:55 am

    i have also been thinking of getting a stage or stand alone for some time, but am so confused as which to get. am just going to oreder a 45xpert reg pole for now ( my 3rd xpole). i am loyal to x, but obviously want something safe and user friendly. thanks for the in-depth reviews

  • Jenn

    May 29, 2010 at 5:55 pm

    Interesting difference in perspectives.

    I’ve been using the Xstage since last May and I have no problems with it. Yes, it’s heavy…that’s why it’s safe and more stable than the Star. I used the Star this past weekend the sway on the pole is much more than I would ever consider allowing a student to learn on. Most would be very intimidate by that sort of instablity as well. I’ve carried that stage up a flight of stairs (in it’s case) myself. Would I WANT to do that often? Heck no..but there is a price to pay for a heavier duty pole.

    Best of all, the Xstage "lite" with a low platform ( I think only about 3 inches high off the floor) will be available this fall if you can wait for that.

    I couldn’t agree with you more Empyrean! I have also tried both, and I found that the Star pole was very unstable compared to the Xstage. It was super creaky and swayed quite a bit. The spin mode was not nearly as smooth and fast as on the Xpole. Overall, I felt very limited as to what I could do on it. The poles connected together by the "old school" way of screwing together clockwise and there was no way to secure them, so I couldn’t spin anti-clockwise(left handed) without unscrewing the poles (which is very scary as I am left-handed) I have contacted a PS rep about the left handed spin problem and they said that they are working on that, and the problem should be remedied soon. In respect to the carrying cases, Star poles do not currently even have a carrying case available. They offered my friend a $25 rebate to buy her own carrying cases, which is a joke considering how big the pieces are. The pieces filled up the whole trunk of her car. However, it was super easy to set up, and for the price, it is a good value. If you are on a budget and don’t plan on doing big moves requiring a decent amount of momentum (or left handed spins), it is a decent pole. The Star pole does offer more options than Xstage. I believe the Star pole is offered in brass and stainless 45/50mm where the Xstage is only offered in 50mm chrome.

    I am super excited about the low platform Xstage! I saw it at the Pole-con and was wondering about it. Never got a chance to talk to the Xpole reps tho. Do you know how much it is going to be and whether they will offer different metal/size options?

  • pole-twista

    May 29, 2010 at 6:03 pm

    that is also what i was thinking of. low platform x. that high square platform was a big reason i never bought one. well any info and reviews are appreciated

  • SissyBuns

    May 30, 2010 at 1:24 pm

    I have heard that the Star Stand Alone pole comes undone when you spin left…this is a huge issue for me because I spin both ways. I have also ordered one and they say that the problem is fixed.

    I have used platinum stages poles for a long time now and I have to say not all ps poles are equal. Some are great…others not so much. I generally prefer stainless steel so they are my only option. Out of 4 Ps poles I had 2 had to get new ceiling plates, 2 others didn’t thread with the extra extensions and just recently my pole went through the ceiling plate…when I called them they tried to charge me almost $50. Trust me the pole going through the ceiling plate was not my fault I spent a year and a half taking them up and down I think I know how to put them up.

    The pole went through the cieling plate? Are you serious?????

    I’m debating on whether or not to sell PS poles….something is keeping me from it…..

  • minicoopergrl

    May 30, 2010 at 2:04 pm

    I am super excited about the low platform Xstage! I saw it at the Pole-con and was wondering about it. Never got a chance to talk to the Xpole reps tho. Do you know how much it is going to be and whether they will offer different metal/size options?

    I was in Clives disscussion about the future of Xpole. They will be introducing brass next year. PS offers brass for an extra fee, understandable since brass is pretty expensive. I think Xstage 2.0 should be the same price as the Xstage. I believe its coming out in the fall.

  • Charley

    May 30, 2010 at 4:46 pm

    I have heard that the Star Stand Alone pole comes undone when you spin left…this is a huge issue for me because I spin both ways. I have also ordered one and they say that the problem is fixed.

    I have used platinum stages poles for a long time now and I have to say not all ps poles are equal. Some are great…others not so much. I generally prefer stainless steel so they are my only option. Out of 4 Ps poles I had 2 had to get new ceiling plates, 2 others didn’t thread with the extra extensions and just recently my pole went through the ceiling plate…when I called them they tried to charge me almost $50. Trust me the pole going through the ceiling plate was not my fault I spent a year and a half taking them up and down I think I know how to put them up.

    The pole went through the cieling plate? Are you serious?????

    I’m debating on whether or not to sell PS poles….something is keeping me from it…..

    Yes! I need to post those pictures of it. When I toild them what had happened they made it out like I installed the pole wrong. I’ve been using these poles for nearly 2 years. Thank goodness it was under the stud because the adjustor rob put a dent in my ceiling.

    You should still sell them though because many dancers want brass or stainless steel. It opens up your options.

  • Mary Ellyn

    May 30, 2010 at 8:43 pm

    Yes…the new lower profile Xstage or I believe they call it "XStage Lite" is suppose to arrive in the fall. They are already for sale in the UK so it’s not like we are waiting for the design to be completed so hopefully that will be an accurate time.

    The cost will be the same as the original Xstage.

    Also I can’t recall when, but they are coming out with a 45mm option for the stages.

    I don’t believe they will offer the brass poles for the stages but only as a third option for the removable poles.

  • AJLuvsPolein

    June 6, 2010 at 8:25 pm

    I have a home pole but my problem is that I dont have much space to dance in my apt so I am going to get the PS Free Standing Pole because I can take it anyplace. I am sure that the shaking of the pole itself is going to be something to get used to but to have the space to really show what I can do is worth it!

    Good luck with your choice.

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