Forums Discussions Head Over Heels! Pole Dance Contest, Showcase & More!

  • Head Over Heels! Pole Dance Contest, Showcase & More!

    Posted by Dakota Fox on January 21, 2011 at 10:34 am

    Hi all!


    I'm really excited to share a project that I have been working on with my fellow Aradia Fitness NC instructors as well as a little creative juju from Heather R from Studio X…


    We are teaming up with a local nightclub in Raleigh, NC to bring a year-long series of women-only events called "Head Over Heels"!  Head Over Heels was born out of several ideas:

    – lack of competitions for TRUE pole amateurs (the average pole student)

    – desire to showcase what pole dance fitness is REALLY about! We want to educate and inspire women in our area.

    – create fun, exciting ladies night out opportunity where we get celebrate what it is to be a woman… beautiful, confident, sensual and empowered!

    – of course an opportunity to get a little "retail therapy" in


    It will be a five month series starting March 12, 2011. It will then run every other month and finish in November 2011. The pole competition each month will basically be a preliminary contest – 1st & 2nd place each month earn a spot in the final competition in November to win the title of "Miss Head Over Heels"! We are trying something different with applications… we'll have an open enrollment process (something like a 3-5 day window for email applications to be sent) and then do a random drawing to pick the month's 8 competitors. 


    Besides the competition portion, we will also do a showcase of pole instructors and have a mini-shopping expo featuring female-driven businesses in the Raleigh, NC area. The area will take place in the nightclub's VIP lounge, which includes a private bar, birds eye view of the club and female-only access for the event.


    Again, we are really excited about this project and are inviting pole students everywhere to take part if they wish! If you live in or near the NC area we encourage you to attend.  All the event announcements and evites are going to done through facebook. Check out the Fan Page for Head Over Heels for more details or to follow us throughout the year!


    Dakota Fox replied 14 years, 1 month ago 6 Members · 8 Replies
  • 8 Replies
  • yogabeachbabe

    January 21, 2011 at 11:16 am

    Hey Foxxy. I think this is great! I love how you emphasize "true pole amateurs". You're absolutely right–there's not a lot out there for the average pole student. Congratulations on making this happen! I'm really looking forward to hearing more about it.

  • Dakota Fox

    January 21, 2011 at 11:27 am

    Yes!! I love my students to death and they each have so much personality, innovativeness and style that it's a shame it never gets shared with the world… most are too intimated to try for one of the big competitions like USPDF, etc because WOW the competition is steep and there is so much incredible talent out there.  Hopefully our local girls will really dig the idea and I am secretly hoping to get pole students from other pole studios in the state… it could be a small "battle of the pole studios" HAHA!


  • Dangermouse

    January 21, 2011 at 7:53 pm

    What an awesome idea!!! I hope this inspires studios in other states to do the same. I'm gonna enter – Raleigh is a trek but I LOVE this idea and want it to be a huge success! Yay for amateur polers!!!

  • AliciaPolerina

    January 21, 2011 at 11:24 pm

    Fantastic!!! Darn wish I lived closer I'd love to come cheer you ladies on it would be so fun to watch!!!!

  • Dakota Fox

    January 22, 2011 at 9:34 am

    Dangermouse – that's exciting!! I hope you can make it one for sure… Raleigh is a fun city, so it could be a fun weekend trip 🙂

  • psychoholicslag

    January 23, 2011 at 5:34 pm

    This sounds really fun Heather.  I'm going to mention it in my newsletter and try to encourage my shy girls to get involved. 

  • Veena

    January 23, 2011 at 6:57 pm

    Great idea! Don't forget to post each event both comp and showcase in our new Events section the site is FULL of new dancers and I'm sure they would love to see some Comps just for them and we all love a great showcase!! 

  • Dakota Fox

    January 24, 2011 at 12:08 am

    Hey Veena – I definitely will! I’m loving the new website… So much more user friendly 😉 you do a wonderful job with this space!!!

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