Crap. Xpert joint spun inside A pole. Vent.
So, I've had my lovely xpert 50mm TG pole for about a month now, I guess. Initially had a spinning xjoint issue due to a bum joint (the locking pin/nub was flush on one side when I got it!) I called, and Heidi sent me a new joint, which I didn't bother to open or use since I had a spare joint to use instead, which seemed to work perfectly until now.
I check to make sure the hex screws are aligned with the pole holes before I practice, which is every other day, and have been diligent about alternating when tightening, etc. Welp, I just got done with about an hour or so or practice, and saw that BOTH hex screws on the joint between poles A&B were out of place! Top and bottom. WTF. I know I tightened properly.. Anyhow, I wrapped frozen peas around the pole where the joint is, and left it for about 10 mins., removed, then spun (half spin, really) counterclockwise a bazillion times to try to twist it a bit in the other direction, and only the top hex is now available….not the bottom. So, if I were to take the pole apart now, since the joint has spun inside pole A, I wouldn't have any luck whatsoever with a broom handle. I'd just be jamming the thing farther down into pole A, which doesn't detach from the adjuster rod to allow for broom insertion from the bottom. Or does the adjuster rod detach and I don't know it? I've combed the manual and the internet and nothing says it does. And to make matters worse, I just opened up the replacement joint only to find that it's locking pin/nub/WHATEVER sticks out much farther on one side than the other. *HEADPOLE*
I've marked the A pole hole on the xjoint with a fine sharpie so that I can gauge progress, but who knows how long it'll take. I'll be calling Heidi tomorrow, but in the meantime, I guess I just want to vent. I think they need to start welding those center nubs on the joints to prevent this from happening. I weigh 120lbs. I can't do any spins other than a basic fireman and chair at this point, and I'm only making a few revolutions at most, but these pins seem really fragile and bound to push in the more one spins. Maybe they also need to make the walls on the main tubes a little thicker than 1mm so that the cradle for these nubs is deeper…less chance for slippage. I dunno.
GAH! I just want to spit!!
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