Finally.. The answer to sweaty hands
I’ve been through product after product. Tried Dry Hands, Tite Grip, itac 2, itac 3, itac 4, Mighty Grip, Dry Hands mixed with itac, alcoholing every 30 seconds, Windex, etc. STILL SWEATY!
Then I found the cure… VINEGAR. More specifically white distilled vinegar. I discovered this at Flirty Girl Fitness in Toronto, Canada. They use a 50/50 mix of regular standard vinegar and water. For some reason vinegar balances out the acidity in my hands, creating virtually no sweat and making advanced moves a breeze. So I researched online seeing that it’s a natural cleaner for stainless steel and bought white distilled vinegar. I tested it out at the Karol Helms workshop, 2 days after failing with super sweaty hands at the same place, Body & Pole in NYC. It worked wonders with me and my partner, who ironically had a serious bad case of sweaty hands too!
You just wipe the pole down with a soft hand towel sprayed with white distilled vinegar like you do with alcohol or Windex. Alcohol and windex still made my hands sweaty. Karol even suggested wiping my hands with vinegar too and that worked too. Of course I still used itac 2 and 3 on top of rubbing vinegar on the pole, having the strongest grip in 4 years of poling.
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