Forums Discussions Crossfit

  • chemgoddess1

    February 28, 2011 at 5:33 pm

    I know a few that are devotees and there is even a big Crossfit event at The Arnold every year.  I have mixed feelings about it.  I don't think all of the exercises that they do are body friendly.

  • chemgoddess1

    February 28, 2011 at 5:34 pm

    BTW….they have videos of all of the exercises on that website.

  • NickiLee88

    February 28, 2011 at 7:34 pm

    I have to confess I am a massive Crossfit devotee. I was a little hesitant before I started but I love it now – it's the only sport I've found that I enjoy as much as poling (quite a recommendation). I've definitely found that it's increased my poling ability strength wise and my overall feeling of fitness and wellbeing.

    I think it depends a lot on the type of person you are as to whether you'll like it. I really enjoy competition and pushing myself past my comfort zone which is a big part of crossfit. If you're not into that kind of thing maybe it's not for you… But it's worth a shot – that was my thinking and i love it!

    My one piece of advice – I have to disagree with Chemgoddess (respectfully) – a lot of sports aren't body friendly, even pole dancing (eg – twisted grip handspring – in my opinion that puts a lot of torsion in all the wrong places!) however, like pole, your chances of injury in crossfit are drastically reduced if you have proper technique and don't work at a level too advanced for you. That being said, I wouldn't recommend purely following the videos of all the exercises on the website. Unless you have experience in the area, you're better off going to a crossfit affiliate with trained coaches who can teach you the correct movements and ensure that you don't injure yourself.

    The other thing I love about it is it's a very supportive environment. It reminds me a lot of poling in that respect. Heaps better than the gym.

    Sorry for this long post – I get quite passionate talking about things I enjoy… Hope it has helped somewhat…

  • FreeTheSun

    February 28, 2011 at 11:23 pm

    CrossFit is one of those things some people love and others don't. My main concern with CrossFit is the fact that the majority of studios would rather have speed and high reps than good form, which to someone like me who is very technical is no good. If you have the ability to ensure you are only pushing yourself as far as good form will allow you and not sacrafice that in order to keep up, then it can be great at getting a whole body workout in a very short time. However, if you throw form out the window in order to be more competitive in the workout, then you will prob find yourself injured (unless you are extremely lucky).

    I've tried it and have decided it is not for me, but I have several friends that are CrossFit die hards. When it doubt, try it a few times and then make up your mind. Everyone is different.

  • minicoopergrl

    March 1, 2011 at 9:34 am

    Theres one alot closer to home that offers a free intro class, basically an evaluation and asses my needs.  I figured if I want to compete, I have to have the mindset of an athlete.  I need to train both on/off and really get the diet thing in gear.


    I did a gym membership for a year, it was helpful since I had no where else I was getting cardio from. It also helped me make time for stretching deeper and ab work.  But other than that, I feel like I got nothing else out of the membership. 

  • PhillyPoleJess

    April 1, 2011 at 9:01 pm

    Just did this today! I am interviewing with a crossfit gym to be their receptionist and they invited me to come workout! It was awesome.  

    Todays workout!

    after 400meter light jog and a light overview of exercises in the workout. no weight added nor forcefully done just to get the form right.  

    Work out

    800 meter jog ( about .5 mile)

    50 thrusters (holding a bar in front just above shoulders squat down, thrust up bar over head, and back down)

    800 meter jog

    50 Ball wall throw squats (hold weighted ball squat down, thrust up, toss ball up over head gently hitting wall, catch ball, and squat down to repeat.  The exercise is physically hard but not coordination wise)

    800 meter jog

    50 burpees ( i <3 burpees but they were really difficult after all that)

    800 meter jog


    For beginners they did half that, 400 meters, 25 of each thing, and for anyone really new to working out only had to go to wall ball squats. They had modified versions of the exercises too.  The advanced people did DOUBLE what i did.  They ran 4miles all together, did 100 of each exercise, and some of them had  heavy bars and balls!

    It was a really great experience.  I can see getting really into it!

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