Forums Discussions being typecast as a dancer – advice please!

  • being typecast as a dancer – advice please!

    Posted by namarre on April 15, 2011 at 5:27 am

    So just to preface this – I love all types of pole dancing!  Tricks and slinky stuff, I want it all!

    However, for me the slinky side of dancing is very personal.  I don't love being asked to do it on cue in front of a group.  (Just talking in class here, not actual performing for a crowd).  Dancing slinky at home, or even in class when I want to, though, I love.  I also am a firm believer in doing tricks safely and correctly (and love Veena's lessons 'cause they explain it so well!).  Somehow this has combined into the perception that I'm not a sensual dancer at all/can't do it.  This is only coming from certain people, but it's hard not to take it personal.  It's gotten to the point where I 1) refuse to freestyle at all in front of certain groups, and 2) if they are there I need a free dance at home to destress after dancing! 

    Aside from just needing to vent, I do have a question for you lovely ladies.  For those of you who have a reputation for dancing a certain way, or even just view yourself as one type of dancer, do you feel comfortable experimenting with other dance styles?  And how do you deal with the comments/learn to not take them personally? 

    Veena replied 13 years, 8 months ago 7 Members · 9 Replies
  • 9 Replies
  • minicoopergrl

    April 15, 2011 at 6:11 am

    As for trying a different style.  If there is a studio near you take different instructors classes.  Or even look at thier bios on the website.  We have some instructors from Xpose who had no dance backgroud and some who have been dancing thier whole lives. 


    I personally dont see myself as a sensual/sexy kind of dancer.  I guess thats just me, (I have a hard time trying to portray sexy to begin with.  It just never looks right).  I was once told I look more like a background dancer for Britney Spears than a poler. That hurt!  But I watched the video they were talking about and saw where they were coming from.  I started to take it more as a constructive crtizism than them poking fun at me.  For me if I get a nasty comment, I giggle and delete.  I dont waste time on it.  Im all for constructive critism (excuse me for typing errors) but when you compeletly dog me b/c im fat or whatever thats just wrong.  I know my momma taught me that if I didnt have anything nice to say then dont say it all.  Maybe some folks sould just get the hint

  • HollySatine

    April 15, 2011 at 8:13 am

    I haven't had much negative experience with criticism because I have never really danced for groups (or posted any vids on YT) before.  But I do want to broaden my horizons as a dancer because I can see myself coming back to the same go-to moves when I am free-dancing.  Lately I've been really intrigued by modern dance both for itself and when it's incorporated into pole routines, so I'll be taking Modern I at my university next semester in order to get a new perspective and learn some new moves!  I am also motivated by the fact that while I wouldn't mind performing a sexier routine, I want to have a wider variety of moves in my repertoire so that I can better control and filter out the sexy stuff when I want to (like in routines I'd like to show my parents!).

  • emotioncatcher

    April 15, 2011 at 8:42 am

    although it´s sometimes hard, i think critic is the best way to improve. you just have to get used to it. also try to see yourself sometimes a bit critical, too, then you sometimes notice the same stuff as others do and when they tell u about it, you are prepaired.

    for dancing style i think the best style is the one you feel comfortable with. if u feel the music and the movement of your body and it feels good, than the sensuality will come, too. and if this doesn´t work, don´t care either! than it´s just not your style and there are so many others great styles of which one perfectly will match to you. maybe your just a perfect trick-poler, which is impressive, too! 😉

  • Veena

    April 15, 2011 at 8:59 am

    Not sure I can be much help, I'm not a big time pro performing all over so…..I don't really think I have a style anyone expects from me? yes, no??  LOL

    However, I try to represent most styles (I am not to good at just tricks). I do know that some videos/styles appear to be recived better by pole dancers here and YT than other styles. People who do not pole dance seem to love anything I do! In fact, my latest video most have not seemed to care for it. I really go through phases when it comes to how I dance, all depending on if I feel angry, sad, frustration…ect. Sometimes it will bother me when I put my heart into a dance and people are like…meh…but you can't please all of the people all of the time. I now dance, perform or post whatever I want for myself and if others don't like it…well….there is really nothing I can do so I try not to worry about it.  

    I guess what I'm saying is…dance for yourself and you'll never have to worry about what others think!

  • chemgoddess1

    April 15, 2011 at 9:08 am

    I think this will also come with age.  I have no idea how old you are but typically as one gets older you tend to care less about what others think and do things just for you.


    On a side note, I have found that I am a total exhibitionist  When I am at home or in a small setting I just have a more difficult time totally blanking out and dancing.  Now, put me in a club with a crap ton of people watching, lights down low, music blaring and I am so totally comfortable.  But the thought of performing in a showcase or competition….shudder.

  • Veena

    April 15, 2011 at 9:18 am

    @ Chem…are you saying I'm old cuz I am starting to not care what others think? LOL

  • chemgoddess1

    April 15, 2011 at 9:24 am


    Grounded, yes

    Mature, yes

    Sexy Momma, yes

    Old?  I think I got you by a few years!  😛


  • moonflower

    April 15, 2011 at 12:56 pm

    Chem, I'm similar to  you when it comes to how I react in different crowds. When it's just me and my camera, I have to think of what to do before hand or else I use stand there or do the smae moves again and again. But the few times I was thrown in front of a crowd, I was able to wing it and it felt and looked amazing.

    On the other hand, during a fun spin competition for the ontario pole jam, I couldn't do my spin. I was UNABLE to do anything, I failed completely just becuase the word "competition" was in it, despite it being 100% friendly. 10 mins after the competition was over, I was able to do the exact same spin in front of the exact same people. Joni1 can confirm this. It's baffling.

  • Veena

    April 15, 2011 at 1:08 pm

    haha Chem!

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