Forums Discussions Getting to a point where I wonder if I’ll ever get this move

  • Getting to a point where I wonder if I’ll ever get this move

    Posted by Juicy J on April 28, 2011 at 10:12 pm

    G'day polers around the world!

    Hope you've all had a great Easter break like I did!

    I've got a bit of a rant. I started with a local pole studio near my home and due to work restraints, I have recently switched to Bobbi's Pole Studio in the City (Sydney) starting last term. I'm about to start my second term there at Bobbi's.
    I must say, I really LOVE their studio, instructors, style and poles. We dance on 38mm spinny brass! Yes, read it and weep! HAHAHA. Ohhh, I feel so spoilt whenever I go in for a class! Sooooo much better than my 45mm Chrome X-Pert X-Pole at home!

    The studio I was previously at for a year is very different to Bobbi's. In comparison between the 2 studios, I feel that Bobbi's is more professional in terms of the art of pole, their studio layout and just everything about them! A lot of the instructors seem to be professionals and seem to be quite attuned to this fine art.
    I went from a novice Advanced student to Intermediate when I switched to Bobbi's. It was such a shock to the system but I guess different studios have different levels and different techniques. Bobbi's is a lot harder than the previous studio and they seem to also focus on strength and flexability more than the previous studio.

    The thing that I'm really bummed about right now is that I can't nail the inverted V or Chopper! I've never been able to do this move for as long as I can remember when I first started in March last year. The move is where you invert and go straight into a V and then put your legs on the pole. If I can't do the inverted V then forget the Chopper, which is basically the inverted V but in motion!
    So I'm gonna be stuck in Intermediate 2 at Bobbi's until I can nail this move. I've asked about 3 different instructors at the studio what I'm doing wrong and have been trying to get help on this move.
    Basically I'm NOT tucking in around the torso area enough and I can't seem to for the life of me roll back enough to be able to spread my legs!
    I can invert, put my legs on the pole and then get into the V position but can't invert and then go straight into the V position.
    I've asked so many instructors for advice and have also been practising at home as well. Just trying to invert and then get into position straight away into V but it's just NOT happening!! Have also been trying to practise the tuck as well and trying to roll back but I just can't seem to roll back! I think it could be a strength issue. I don't think I have the right level of strength in my arms or core.
    Who knows.

    So, my instructor as well as other instructors have also advised me NOT to move up into Intermediate 3 until I nail this move. Infact, because the classes I wanted to book into were already booked out, I will be doing Intermediate 1 during the new upcoming term along with a routines class. So I will be downgrading in a sense but I also feel that this will be good for me to get my foundations right all over again, especially when starting out at another pole studio.

    I try and tell myself I can nail this move eventually but it honestly doesn't feel like I'm getting anywhere near it! I'm starting to wonder if this is a move that I may not be ever able to do due to weird body shape or lack of strength. ARRRRGH!

    And when I watch people do it, it just seems so easy and simple and yet when I attempt it, it's just fail after fail.

    I honestly need any sort of advice I can get in regards to nailing this stupid inverted V move. If I don't nail this, I'll be staying at the same level for who knows how long!!! ARRRGH! HELP!

    FeeDen replied 13 years, 3 months ago 16 Members · 56 Replies
  • 56 Replies
  • Caitlin

    April 28, 2011 at 10:38 pm

    Hey Joyful, 

    Which Int 1 class are you in?  I'm enrolled in the one on Tuesdays at 6:15pm.  

    I have also had to downgrade when I got to Sydney as I haven't done any poling in over a year and as a result I can barely even invert anymore, and there's no way right now I can go straight into the straddle when inverting.  When I learned to invert I also learned it on the "wrong" side so I am having to relearn it totally.  I know it will be worth it in the long run but it just feels completely alien with the pole on the right side of my body!

    I'm afraid I don't have any bright ideas for you (especially no brighter than the instructors) but if you'd like a buddy who is also having to go back a couple of levels in order to get the foundations right again, it'd be great to get together.  It's always less frustrating when you have someone else to get frustrated with!  

    Send me a message if you wanna get together, but good luck either way.  You'll get it, I have no doubt!

    Enjoy your weekend, and roll on next week when Term 3 starts!! 😀


  • Juicy J

    April 28, 2011 at 11:35 pm

    Hey Caitlin!
    So good to hear from you, especially from another Bobbi's student also in Sydney! HAHAHAHA! What are the chances, eh?!

    I'm actually enrolled in Int 1 on Sun at 4:15pm with Chilli! =( I wish I could do the Tue at 6:15pm but I can't do Mon or Tue as I have other commitments on. I can only do every second Mon & Tue and it's not worth enrolling in classes that fall on those days as I'll have to find a replacement class constantly. HAHA.

    I'd love to get together sometime! Maybe I can swing by on a Tue night I have off and we'll meet in your 6:15pm Int 1 class! Which instructor have you got?
    Or you can do a Sun 4:15pm class with me! HAHAHAHA!

    Have you done your Performance yet for this week? Mine's tonight! I feel like I'm gonna look like sucha idiot.

  • Caitlin

    April 29, 2011 at 2:36 am

    I'm really new to Sydney (been here just under 2 months now) so I didn't do term 2 at Bobbi's, I'm just starting in Term 3.  I'm actually enrolled in Int 1, Int 2 AND Flex – I've been waiting SO long to get back to pole I thought I deserved it! HAHA!

    Are you in Int1 at the moment?  What is your song?  I did Int1 back in Perth too and we did The Way I Are by Timbaland – it will be forever ingrained in my brain!  

    It's so random that I found your post, I was intrigued by the title, esp. since I am having to relearn inverting etc, but I didn't expect to find another Sydney-based Bobbi's student becuase of it!

    I'd love to get together sometime, I may even be buying a pole again soon (Ihope I hope I hope) as I miss having one at home, so maybe we can even have jams!  Otherwise it'd be cool to swing by to your class once in a while, or we could both go to the practice session before your class on Sunday.

    Anyway, can't wait to meet you and good luck for tonight!  You're not gonna look like an idiot at all, you'll be hot stuff!

    x x x x

  • Juicy J

    April 29, 2011 at 10:55 am

    Hey Caitlin! Thanks so much for your words of encouragement! I didn’t do too badly for tonight’s performance! Yaaay!! =D My boyfriend and my friends loved it! Especially my boyfriend. LOL.

    I was in Int 2 for Term 2 and our routine song was Rag Doll by Aerosmith.
    I spoke to Chilli after our performance tonight and she told me to stay in Int 2 instead of dropping to Int 1. Told her all Int 2 classes I can make were already full.
    She’s going to help me with my inverted V. =) Yay!

    So which days will you be at the studio for those classes? You can always swap one week of Flex for the Pole Grooves on Sun @ 5:15pm with me! Who are your instructors for these classes do you know?
    Yes, we must definitely meet up for a prac sesh on Sun if there is a prac sesh on. =)

    As for buying a pole, I’m more than happy to help you.
    I’m going to Miss Fit pole studio for a prac sesh/pole jam with a friend of mine and they use Titanium Gold X-Pert there! I can’t wait to try that out! I’ve heard good things about it.
    After that I would have tried just about all of the most common pole finishes available in Australia!
    That way can give you a bit of insight on pole finishes too! ^__^

    Where abouts are you from? Where you living in Perth before moving to Sydney?
    I’m always looking for more pole buddies!

    So thankful you read my post!! =D Otherwise we wouldn’t have the chance to meet!!

  • yogabeachbabe

    April 29, 2011 at 7:48 pm

    Caitlin, I'm very curious as to what you mean about learning to invert on the "wrong side". Can you please elaborate on that?

    Joyful, you WILL get it! It's not a simple move. A lot is happening in your body and in your mind. It may be something to do with your hip flexibility or maybe your hip flexors? Regardless, I'm sure you'll get it. Good luck! PS. I'm so jealous you get to study at Bobbi's!

  • Caitlin

    April 29, 2011 at 7:53 pm

    Yay!  Go you!  I bet your boyfriend loved it!

    That's awesome Chilli is going to help you too, that's really nice of her :o)  you'll get it in no time, I'm sure. 

    I'm in Int 2 on Fridays at 6:15 with Summer, Flex on Thursdays at 6:15 with Ria, and Int 1 on Tuesdays at 6:15 with Summer.  I'd love to try a Pole Grooves class tho so I'll definitely come along to one at some point.  Dancing has always been the hardest bit for me, much harder than the upside down stuff, so I definitely want to do a Pole Grooves course at some point and it'll be a good taster :o)  Determined to get my splits tho so I'd be reluctant to miss Flex, maybe it'll have to be an extra rather than a swap!  There are practice times from 1pm til  5pm on Sundays too so I'm sure we'll work something out YAY!

    I was thinking I was gonna go for Titanium Gold if I buy a pole, so definitely let me know what it's like when you try it out!!  I used to have the standard 50mm chrome plated X-Pole at home which I got on fine with on the whole but my hands are SO sweaty so something grippier would be better.  I like the thin brass Bobbi's poles but I don't wanna get too used to them that I can't feel cmfortable on anything less grippy or fatter.  Can't wait to try a TG!!  What do you have?  I haven't tried any other than chrome and brass so any tips would be great!

    I'm living in Surry Hills at the moment, moving to Redfern over the next few days, but I'm from the UK originally.  Been in Australia about a year and a half travelling with my husband and we started off in Perth, but we arrived in Sydney about 2 months ago and got jobs and now if all goes to plan my work want to sponsor me so I could be here a while!!  And I'm DEFINITELY always looking for pole buddies, I've met some of the nicest people in my life through poling :o) And I've missed it so much while we've been travelling. 

    Hehehe…I also REALLY want to enroll at Aerialize for a silks course next term, if you think you'd wana try that too!

    Anyway, have a great weekend Joyful!  Hope we can meet up v soon! x x x x x

  • Juicy J

    April 30, 2011 at 8:13 pm

    Hey ladies!

    @ Yogabeachbabe – Thanks so much for your words of encouragement!
    I think you’re right about perhaps the hip flexibility and heaps going on in my mind.
    It just seems like this move I understand in theory but my muscles just can’t cope when I do it in practise. It just won’t hold up and I don’t seem to have the strength to get my fanny near the phone! Ugh.

    @ Caitlin – Thanks hon! I went for a play yesterday on the Titanium poles at Miss Fit. They weren’t gold like I thought but silver.
    WOW!! What amazing grip!! =D I definitely agree that it’s up there with Brass! I kinda wish I had gotten a titanium one now! But oh well. =)
    I have a Chrome X-Pert in 45mm. I have found ways to make it grippier by applying Itac2 on it and just making sure my body’s grippy and I’m warmed up. Otherwise it can be slippy. =)
    I guess I didn’t want to spend too much on my first pole, especially when I wasn’t sure if I’d stick with pole
    for good. I’ve made my decision and have decided to! Yay!
    Definitely worth getting a Titanium if you really want!

    Lemme know how you go in Summer’s classes. I had her last term on Fri for Int 2. Lemme know what you think of her classes and teaching style.
    She’s one of the reasons why I didn’t book into that same class again for Term 3.

    As for Aerialise, silk sounds like fun but I think I’m happy to stick with pole for now. It’s sucha expensive hobby! I would love to enroll in Flex but most classes are already booked out! =(
    I’m also now more determined to get the splits now that you’ve mentioned it! Hehe.

    I also struggle with the dance component of pole too! I love it and yes I agree that it’s harder than the upside down stuff too! I’m hoping by doing a term of pole grooves I can get really good at dancing to a song and start coming up with my own routines!! Wouldn’t that be great?!

    I may need to do a catch up class soon due to a baby shower on Sun. I’m thinking of Thu PG & Int 1 with Sassy otherwise Fri PG & Int 1 with Chilli if work can let me start and finish earlier!
    If I do the Thu one, we’ll both be starting at the same time! It’ll give us the chance to meet properly! =D

    Hope you’re excited about this new term! It’s gonna be great I can assure you!
    Have a great weekend! Xxx

  • Juicy J

    April 30, 2011 at 8:18 pm

    @ Yogabeachbabe: How long did it take you to get the inverted V?
    What was the trick that helped you nail this move?
    I’m wondering if people struggle with this for as long as I do?
    I didn’t try to nail it for several terms as my last studio didn’t really emphasize the importance of this move, unlike Bobbi’s.

    Hey, if you’re ever in Sydney, please
    SWING (haha!) by!! =D It’s a pretty sexy studio!
    I want my future house to look like this!! LOL.

  • Scarlett Honey aka Lola Grace

    April 30, 2011 at 9:59 pm

    Hi girls! Im a Bobbi's student too! Just not currently – Ive moved up the coast a bit but I get back there for crash classes whenever I can 🙂 

    Ok, Inverted V/Upside-down V – It did take me quite a while to get this move and it was sooo frustrating, and as u say, Bobbi's routined often involve several inverts which lead into other moves, so its an essential part of the combo…. which makes it even more important to get as u said. 

    I started in early 2009 and I think it took me atleast two terms at beginners level and then a term of int 1 before I got it…. Now im in Int 3 but unfortunately too far away to take regular classes 🙁 I could do the ankles on for ages, but when i finally got inverted V it was like something just "clicked" in my body and mind. SO I think it comes down to two things, muscle memory (when your body recognises where its supposed to go and just follows through with the motion automatically) and muscle strength (if your arms arent strong enough to hold you up (remember your hands should be placed next to your head, and your elbows should be bent) then you wont stay in the right place while your torso and legs swing upwards, making it a lot harder for you to invert and fit the pole perfectly). Also it could be a matter of core strength too – its like doing a sit up/crunch while standing – its intense!) So, I would recommend building arm and core strength by climbing the pole using only you arms, so kind of doing chin ups… and doing lots of planks, crunches and sit-ups – Pilates is awesome for building core strength and stability etc

    Ummm what else can I tell you… Oh sometimes the problem is with your leg placement/movement too. With ankles on, one leg goes up first, hooks on and then the second one follows. WIth upside down V, you want them to go up simultaneusly together. So I was told to put my legs in the froggy position while flipping upside down and then extend legs straight into V. Do u get me?

    So hold yourself with arms bent next to head, left hand over right, right hip placed in front of pole, then use a little momentum from left foot to swing u up, quickly bend you legs so your knees are pointing to either side and your in the froggy position, while squeezing your abs and using your arms and back muscles to propell your pelvis and legs above your head. Arms should only straighten out once your legs are high up in the air, so that your head can drop back and down towards the floor. Then once your pelvis is pressed close to the pole and you are definitely upside down, straighten your legs out of froggy into a beautiful V! haha I hope this helps and I havnt confused you….. the whole froggy leg thing might help because your core/arms might not be strong enough to raise your legs above your head while they are straight, as that puts a lot more pressure and weight on those supporting muscles. When legs are bent and held close to body, it's easier to flip yourself upside-down.


    Anyway hope this all helps, so glad u guys have found eachother to become pole-buddies! 🙂 Bobbi's is an awesome studio, and Chilli is a fantastic teacher, she really pushes u, and she's hilarious of course! 😀 Also keep an eye out for Isabella's classes – shes a great teacher as well, very gentle and understanding. Have fun ladies! 🙂 Oh and Joyful, its hard to know where u r going wrong without seeing you try the move, so if you could post a video it would make it easier to give specific advice…. I film all my vids on my iphone and they turn out ok, so next time you're in class/practice time, maybe just ask a friend to catch u attempting some inverted V's….? 🙂

    Goodluck hun! xo

  • Shanghai Coaster

    April 30, 2011 at 11:15 pm

    First of all I want to say, don't worry, it may take long looong time but eventually one day you'll get it. I have been pole dancing for 3 years and only very recently (last month) managed to do the ankle cross release(!).

    It was really frustrating because I can do a lot of advanced moves etc but i could just never get this one, until one day 2 years later I all of a sudden managed to do it by tweaking my body a little.

    My advice however is to not get stuck at your old level, unless it is a cruical move that is required for  most more advanced moves. There are still a lot of advanced moves that do not require the V-Chopper. Some people suck at certain moves and it takes them longer to learn it (like me with the ACR) but that shouldnt prevent you from improving and advancing in the areas where you are good. If I had been keeping the rest of my pole dancing practice at pre-ACR level I would have gone bored of pole dancing a year or two ago.

    Yes, my pole skills are a bit uneven, I am now only starting to learn some moves that are intermediate that require ACR, yet I know some really advanced moves that do not require ACR. But so what? People are different, somethings are easier than other parts and this is different for everyone, so dont get stuck at one level across your whole pole dance practice. It's just natural.

    It will come to you sooner or perhaps very much later, but dont let that stop you from advancing or holding you back in other aspects and pole moves!


  • Juicy J

    May 1, 2011 at 8:11 am

    @ Scarlett Honey: Babe, that was the most awesome description on how to do the inverted V!
    Thank you so much! When I’m practicing, I’ll make sure I re-read your post and follow it to the best of my ability. XD
    It did all make sense, don’t you worry! I was picturing everything you wrote in my head, especially the froggy legs then out. It does make sense, the logic behind that.
    In another post somewhere I did also read you were a student at Bobbi’s. =)
    I managed to recently do 1 class with Isabella and yes, you’re right, she is so gentle and patient! I really enjoyed her class. I would love to do more of her classes.
    Can’t wait to do Chilli’s! She is sucha inspiration to me and I’ve told her twice that I’m sucha fan!
    She seemed quite caring too.

    Are you currently going to another pole studio? Please DON’T stop poling, just because you’ve moved!
    It’s easier if you pole with a studio and with others rather than going at it yourself at home. Easier to be accountable too!

    Thanks heaps for your advice and belief in me! It’s so great to get this kind of genuine support from people who share the same interest!

    Where are you living now?

    Hehe, as for filming myself, I think I’ll look like the biggest fool, so I think I’ll continue to work on that with Chilli + any other pole buddies I can find.

    @ Sig: Thanks heaps for your advice too. I think I also wanted to know what others thought about repeating or doing easier levels.
    I actually agree with you in that just because it’s 1 particular move you can’t nail, it shouldn’t stop you from moving up. That was also my thinking originally.
    I would also imagine I would get bored of doing stuff I already know and would want more of a challenge with stuff I haven’t learnt yet.
    I actually felt a bit like that already in Int 2 so I’m not sure how I’ll feel in Int 1. Who knows.
    Lucky I’ve only paid a deposit so I can always find another class if Int 1 is too easy.
    Your insight does make heaps of sense and I will see how I go. Perhaps next term I might move up to Int 3 if I feel I am ready.
    It’s so true that certain people nail other moves more easily than others. It’s different strength and perhaps levels of flexibility or even body type/shape as well.

    To everyone:
    It’s pretty funny, in all of this, I’ve even got my boyfriend to help me! He does an inverted V so easily! I only instructed him and helped him and he nailed it so flawlessly! Jealous much?! Hahaha.
    I’m lucky that he’s supportive of me and has poled with me like 3 times or so now! I try and get him to nail the moves I can’t get so he can show me how. Like the Cross Ankle Release! I’m still struggling with that! I think it’s a fear. Same with the Superman.

    I will definitely be working on lifts, pole climbs and ab crunches and plank.

    I must say I am improving a little bit, getting that lil bit closer to my goal!
    Yes, and like Scarlett mentioned, I think there’s also a LOT of muscle memory I need to get! I just don’t know how to get my muscles to “remember”! Lol.

  • Hotpinksugar

    May 1, 2011 at 10:19 am

    Hi Joyful,

    If it makes you feel any better, I feel exactly the same way about this move! Everytime try it, I can almost get to the halfway point where my body is horizontal and my legs are froggy but then I just flop back down.

    So just know that you’re not alone on this one! You can think of me too every time u get frustrated trying yr inverted V! 😉

  • yogabeachbabe

    May 1, 2011 at 10:51 am

    Hi Joyful. While I agree that core strength is vital to Inverted V/Chopper, don't neglect your upper body strength (ie. biceps, pecs) or your back strength (ie. lats, rhomboids) either.  It took me a while to do this move properly. A key ingredient here is to allow your torso to "drop" back (of course in a controlled manner!) and intend to bring your hips over your shoulders. Never fling your head back, but don't forget to look up to the sky. If you keep your sight on the horizon, you can't raise your hips up enough. And remember, even if your boyfriend can do a Chopper, he won't make it look as sexy as you can!

  • polefairy

    May 1, 2011 at 11:04 am

    This move is my  nemesis! I have track of how many times I have posted here looking for help, I'm so freakin' bad at it. I recently got a little bit closer to doing it but it looks CRAP. I just can't make it look clean and pretty. Feeling seriously disheartened by this move and like you guys I feel 'stuck' because I can't do it. 


    Here is a pic of my most recent attempt. The pic aint glamourous and I'm sweaty and wearing slippers in it, but maybe yous can tell me where I'm going wrong?


    Is it just needing to drop my head back? Is it my hamstring flexibility (or lack of it!) making my legs look crap? please HELP ME!! Arrrrggghhh… hahaha thanks!





  • polefairy

    May 1, 2011 at 11:07 am

    The pic didn't work in the last post. Sorry guys. Here it is. 


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