Forums Discussions Competitions coming up

  • Competitions coming up

    Posted by ivygirl726 on June 20, 2011 at 11:49 am

    So, There are two competitions coming up in my area. One at my place of work called "Stripper Olympics" and the other is a pole dancing competition at a local night club. I am going to be doing both and need ideas for what I should do for the big one which is the Stripper Olympics. There are three different ways you can win money, Pole, freestyle, and lap dance. I have no problems with the pole but I am thinking about putting on a skit for the freestyle. I NEED IDEAS!! Ladies PLEASE anything you can think of is not too out there. It has to be original. If you win all three you go home with $2000. I also need song recommendations for the freestyle. Thank anyone who helps!! Love you all!! XOXO, Jenee'  

    MommaBear replied 13 years, 9 months ago 5 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • ivygirl726

    June 23, 2011 at 10:53 am

    I have had 52 views and no one is willing to help.. did I say something wrong? Did I offend someone?? I don't get it. 

  • Tyanna

    June 23, 2011 at 11:12 am

    I could imagine this would be like saying you see an unattended 20 dollar bill on the ground with the economic times and all….but maybe thats just me I'm still a pole virgin about to go to my first weekend workshop class in 8 days and 55mins (YAAAYY!!!) so I could only offer an idea. What is something your passionate about, now or even as a little girl that you could act out? To me it could be comparable to halloween when you can be what ever you aren't on a regular day…I like cartoons, but thats not really sexy, but you get the point. Something simple could be extraordinary!!

  • amy

    June 23, 2011 at 11:15 am

    ivygirl, i dont know you so it's a little tough to come up with suggestions. maybe you could think about characters you'd like to play, songs that really move you, or a pole persona that you embody and go from there?

  • reenie aka Mysfit

    June 23, 2011 at 11:42 am

    My suggestions–

    I generally start the idea with the music and build the costume idea from there…..

    or pick the costume or identity I want to assume for it, then find the music.

    Search you tube for burlesque stuff……………you will find tons of cool costumes, ideas and music. Just be really careful not to copy something directly(like choreo, music, look, name etc) The burlesque community is really fickle about being identitically copied…..As I think most dancers are anyway. If I see something I really like, and it is obviously an original idea—I usually contact the person and ask if they mind if I pay homage to them…


  • MommaBear

    June 23, 2011 at 11:53 am

    I hadn't responded because I'm clueless on ideas.  I would say to choose something that fits your personality, that way it comes natural and strong and isn't forced – if your not comfortable and confident, it'll show.  

    Once you figure out what theme or character your going for, post again and I bet you'll get some better feedback and ideas on how you could work it all together.  

    My biggest tip would be to get in good with the DJ.  I personally feel like the lighting (and music of course), or lack thereof, can make or break a performance.  The standard spinning colored lights . . . . BORING.  If you have somone that really knows you and how to key the lights to the music and your perfomance – it makes SUCH a huge difference.  

    My favorite set was to crazy techno.  A nice slow, theatric beginning (with a pitch black room, except for one white light) and when the beat finally hit after the build up, the DJ would light that place up!!  Needless to say, everyone's attention was focused on the task at hand.  Here's the song, maybe it'll help bring across the idea (man, I am really dating myself here).



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