Forums Discussions Shoulder Injury

  • Shoulder Injury

    Posted by polevixen0213 on July 23, 2011 at 8:23 am

    My doctor says I've strained my rotator cuff….most likely just from over use. It doesnt seem to be getting better and Im going insane staying off the pole. ANy suggestions?

    KaKukiko replied 13 years, 1 month ago 6 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • Shellectra

    July 23, 2011 at 8:32 am

    I've been off the pole (mostly) for a month now cos I pulled a muscle in my upper back and it caused minor nerve damage down my left arm 🙁 It meant i couldn't hold myself up in advanced split grip holds etc cos my arm was actually weaker from the nerve damage! My advice would be stay off the pole as long as they tell you to so you heal, I really struggled with it for the first few weeks and kept trying to pole and it only made my problem worse.  Now that I've not had a pole session except for testing out my arm strength every few days my nerve damage seems gone and no more pain 🙂 So rest is the key! 

  • chemgoddess1

    July 23, 2011 at 9:02 am

    Sports massage

  • Reyn

    October 14, 2011 at 3:35 pm

    Sports massage and chiropractor =)

  • Angie La

    October 14, 2011 at 4:31 pm

    My best friend hurt her rhombid and spent a month or so in physical therapy–also staying of her pole!  She swears this was the best thing that ever happened since she learned so much from physical therapy and how her body was over compensating.  After her month off her pole, she got back on and was stronger than ever.  She focused more on building her core strength, as well as in her other muscle groups.

    After straining my back, I took her advice and backed off for a few weeks (not completely off, but worked more on Veena's strength training lessons on the pole).  I am pretty sure Veena has some exercises to support the muscles around the rotator cuff, or something like that.

    I encourage you to rest, strengthen other muscles, and work on flexibility.  These are great things you are able to give a little more attention while you let your shoulder heal.  I hope you are feeling better soon! 

  • KaKukiko

    October 14, 2011 at 5:10 pm

    I had an injury in the rhomboid muscle as well and I have stayed off the pole for almost 3 months due to bad rehabilitation (I have had different opinions, sometimes one contradicting the other…) and some attempts that did not let it heal (yoga, volleyball..etc..)……..Now I am seeing a chiropractor and he has told not to do anything at all apart from stretching……..I m afraid that I won't be able to pole dance again, but I guess this is foolish of me….Others who have had the same problem had to stay only one month off ……..I guess it's sooo important not to do anything when you are hurt..I mean nothing that affects the injured area….I hope I have learned this lesson….I m looking forward to beginning again and hope it won't take me a lot of time to be at my previous level………And I 'm planning to  strengthen my body so that I won't be easily injured again….we'll see………..  

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