Forums Discussions Hair style tips for getting curly hair?

  • Hair style tips for getting curly hair?

    Posted by smokinangel on December 3, 2011 at 5:38 pm

    I have a pole photo shoot in like, 2 months, but I'm super excited! Teehee! Anyways. Would love to do my own hair for it. The underneath of my hair does the nice curly/wavy thing. The top tries, but ends up frizztastic.  Any tips on getting the top to stay loose ringlet curly/wavy style?  And how to get there in the first place? Curling iron or hot rollers? Product tips? I want to do a couple trial runs and see how it holds up to poling!  Thanks in advance!

    minicoopergrl replied 13 years, 3 months ago 6 Members · 7 Replies
  • 7 Replies
  • chemgoddess1

    December 3, 2011 at 6:40 pm

    Sally Beauty has a great product called curlformers.  There are a bunch of videos on youtube regarding them also.  They have to be in your hair for several hours/overnight but the curl STAYS.




  • Runemist34

    December 3, 2011 at 7:04 pm

    I know all about the frizzy! I've got some very curly hair, and it's taken me a LONG time to learn how to deal with it.

    First off, I'd recommend some kind of de-frizzing serum- it actually does work, and it's really nice on your hair. Put it on right after you shower.

    Next, don't wash it, or only wash with conditioner. I really balked at this one for a long time- I was like "Eeeeww!" because…honestly, not washing your hair? Gross! But, since I cut my hair short, I started going for longer amounts of time without washing, and getting nicer and nicer results from it. I now wash my hair about once a month. Yes, some people would say that's gross- I do get it wet in the shower every day. However, this helps with the frizzing problem because curly hair is naturally dry, and shampoo (even conditioner) can strip it of all it's oils, and it ends up being extra dry! So, don't wash it. Srsly.

    I can actually go 10 days without getting my hair wet, washing, or anything, before it even starts to look gross. How's that for dry hair?

    Next, if you can't find a good curl serum, or if you find they don't work well enough, try some other hair products. I used to use a moose, a kind of gel thing (I think it was called a souffle, but it was basically like a soft gel), and sometimes a bit of serum, if I had it. This worked really well for me!

    Other tips are things like NEVER brush your hair! Don't even think about it! Unless you're pulling it back, a brush shouldn't even get near it. Just run your fingers through it in the shower, only when it's wet, and get the tangles out that way.

    When your hair is wet, put your product in, and then leave it alone! Don't play with it or fiddle, or even swish it too much! lol. Curly hair looks it's best when it can settle down and just curl.

    What goes on with your hair when it turns frizzy is all of your curl, just…taken apart. Curls are made up of a thousand hairs that all curl together, and then they stay like that! So, if you pull all those hairs apart, and they dry like that (or even when it's already dry) they won't go back into the big curl, but they're not gonna go straight, either! So, you get the frizzyness.

    As for increasing your curl-factor, I would say…hot rollers have really worked for me, and curling irons. Be sure to get yourself some kind of hair-protector, because it'll dry out your already-dry hair! And, if you go to a salon, they'll sometimes straighten your hair first, and then put it in curlers- this never, ever worked for me! My hair accepts ONE instruction after being wet, and that's IT. So, try the curlers directly after getting your hair wet instead- I came out with crazy-awesome ringlets!


    Best of luck to you! I hope it all goes really well!

  • HollySatine

    December 3, 2011 at 7:31 pm

    @chem – WOAH. THOSE ARE SOOO COOL!  I want…. 🙂

  • PaulettePoles

    December 4, 2011 at 5:22 am

    Checkoutthe WEN products! I have frizzy hair too- tried all the serums and none worked. This is theONLY product that every worked for me. THey have videos you can watch. Ithas no soap bubbles like runemist said so it doesnt dry it out at all. My hair looked like  it came form someone elses head- not mine! Now I can wear my curls. I bet WEN w those curlsers would be killer

  • smokinangel

    December 5, 2011 at 3:57 am

    Those curlers look awesome!
    Runemist – I’m pretty sure I do everything you say not to, no wonder my hair is frizzy! 🙂
    Time to experiment… I’ll let y’all know how it goes! Thanks for the tips!

  • smokinangel

    December 5, 2011 at 3:57 am

    Those curlers look awesome!
    Runemist – I’m pretty sure I do everything you say not to, no wonder my hair is frizzy! 🙂
    Time to experiment… I’ll let y’all know how it goes! Thanks for the tips!

  • minicoopergrl

    December 5, 2011 at 5:51 am

    Im a former competitive cheerleading and my daughter is a cheerleader as well.

    I used the curlformers on my daughter – they are expensive but very worth it.  If you sign up for the Sallys Beauty club you get alot of $5 off coups which really help.  I bought about 3 pack of them to do her hair.  I still neeed more but she never got mad, slept in them well and they are easy to get out.  You can get them in various widths and lenghts.  I got short ones for her since her hair had to be in a pony tail and she doesnt have alot of hair to begin with.

    What I did for her hair was waited a few days for her hair to get dirty (dirty hair always works well), then run some gel in it.  A dab will do you unless you want crunchy curls.  Then as I would get a strand I would hit it up with some hairspray then put the curler in.  They are put in for overnight and they arent taken out until they get to the venue and sit.  So your looking at somewhere between 8-10 hrs but the curl will last.  I finally got a chance to wash her hair yesterday (she had a comp Sat morning so her hair was done on friday night). 


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