Forums Discussions Tuck spin and pole hold spin

  • Tuck spin and pole hold spin

    Posted by Forever Young on March 1, 2012 at 1:12 am

    Hi Everyone

    I guess this question is for everyone but mostly to Veena.  I have just finished watching the intermediate lessons for the tuck spin and the pole hold spin and I am wondering this: are you using a spinning pole?


    For the life of me I can't spin in those positions!  I can get into the positions but at the angle I am at and especially with the pole hold spin – my grip is tight and I am perplexed at how to get into a spin.  I am using a stationary pole and I was wondering if these spins can only be done on a spinning pole?  Or is it just me being blone again?


    I am so frustrated right now – still can't do the tuck invert and now these 2 spins!!!  Everytime I take a step forward, it seems I go back a few steps as well…… oh, the pleasures of pole.


    As usual, I appreciate all the advice.  Thanks

    Veena replied 13 years ago 3 Members · 6 Replies
  • 6 Replies
  • Krista Bocko

    March 1, 2012 at 6:36 am

    I guess i will answer, and I'm sure Veena and others will, too.

    The spins are done on static, it's very common for beginners to overgrip though, and in combination with working on getting the mechanics of pushing off on the inside foot and using the outside leg for momentum, it's definitely tough to spin it (if at all) at first.  So based on your post, you can do other spins and are working on the tuck invert? The pole hold spin takes a lot of strength.

    And I commiserate with you–I have a loooooooooooong list (LOOOOOOONG! LOL) of moves I'm working on that I feel I will never get sometimes. Progress may be slow but remind yourself that you're getting closer with each try. 🙂

  • Forever Young

    March 1, 2012 at 6:43 am

    Thanks for such a quick response


    Yip, I can do a whole bunch of other spins but these 2 are proving to be a bit tricky.  I can  get into the position, I know the basic positioning etc but I just can't get myself to SPIN.  I guess working on the pole hold and the tuck has left me really gripping the pole as these are static moves and now I can't get my hands to NOT overgrip and let me spin….

    Aaaargh….. is it always so frustrating or does it get better?

  • Krista Bocko

    March 1, 2012 at 6:57 am

    Are you pushing off as you're bringing your outside hand to the pole (as in the pole hold spin)? That has to happen at the same time. And since you're overgripping too, maybe go back and do some spins your'e comfortable with. Feel how your hands grip the pole just enough….trust yourself (easier said than done!)

    I should clarify that the spins are on static in the lessons, not that they can ONLY be done on static.

    Ummm, honestly I think it's always frustrating on some level, there's always something I WANT to do but can't yet. You have to have a strong desire to conquer. LOL. But it does get better in that it's like you're climbing a mountain and the view is getting more and more awesome. 😀

  • Forever Young

    March 1, 2012 at 7:55 am

    Thanks for the tips.  I am going to try them again tonight and see how I go.  I will make sure I am concentrating on pushing off and not gripping too much.


    I love the way you describe the pole journey as "climbing a mountain and the view just keeps getting better and better".  I could not think of a better description….


    I understand about the static pole thanks. I only have a static which is why I asked the questiion in the first place and I wanted to blame the pole instead of my poor technique….


    I will let you know how it goes

  • Krista Bocko

    March 1, 2012 at 8:20 am

    You're welcome, good luck! Yes, let us know how it goes. Glad you like my mountain analogy, I think it's so true. Even on days when you feel like you're not getting anywhere or regressing, it's a lesson in persistence. 😀  

  • Veena

    March 1, 2012 at 8:38 am

    Hi, right now all spins are shown on static pole. Timing, finding out when to push off and when to swing the leg is important for static spins. Sparrow had some great tips……also remember, not every move will come quickly and what seem crazy difficult to one person, might seem simple to another. Don't get frustrated with yourself. You don't have to be able to do every single move in order to move on in the lessons. As far as inverts go, If you can do a reverse handstand and an elbowstand you'll be able to work on some inverted moves without needing to invert!!

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