LED (lighted) or Fiber Optic Hoops?
Does anyone have experience with an LED or Fiber Optic hoop? I've seen them online and they are soooo cool looking but very expensive!!! The Fiber Optic one is $300.00!!!! http://www.lightupandjuggle.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=43 I tried to do some research to see how LED lights and fiber optics work, because I made my own hoops – I figured how hard could a bit of electronics be??? HARD. For me anyway. Especially because they need a battery and then you start getting into complex things like inserting weights to counterbalance the battery packs. I still want to learn about fiber optics, just because I adore them – but we'll see if anything actually comes of that. I just want to see if anyone has experience with these before I drop my hard earned cash on something like this. Thanks!
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