Forums Discussions not sure how to stretch this…

  • not sure how to stretch this…

    Posted by Dancing Paws on April 21, 2012 at 8:27 pm

    So ever since I had to make the 14 hour drive to see my family, then drive back, my right hip has been bothering me. It is sooo unbelieveably tight. Before I left, I did have aching when I would stretch the inside of my leg (you know where you squat and lean to one side?) I would have a really uncomfortable ache in my right hip, but not my left. Well, now it's worse, and I can't figure out if it is my hip that is too tight, or my low back on that side and it's pulling my hip. I've tried stretching my hip but that makes it worse. Not sure what to do at this point. I mentioned it to my physical therapist a while back, but she said I just needed to strengthen my gluts. I have basically run out of PT appointments for my insurance until Sept too, so I cannot go see her again about it.

    ORGANIC ANGEL replied 12 years, 5 months ago 4 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Runemist34

    April 22, 2012 at 12:02 am

    Which part of your right hip? Like, back, front, side?

    If your physiotherapist says you need to strengthen your glutes, I assume this is an issue with the "back" part of your hips? Perhaps underneath your glutes?

    That would be your hamstring. I've got super tight hamstrings, and I know they can be horribly uncomfortable!

    Things to avoid: Pushing too hard (if it hurts, frigging ease off! Hurting doesn't help them… I just made mine worse by pushing too hard), not stretching at all, stretching when cold, and… sitting on your wallet.

    I'm one of those girls with a man-wallet. I hate having to carry stuff around in a bag if all I'm briging is a wallet! So, I stick it in my back pocket and off I go. I've discovered this is a very bad idea if I'm sitting on it for a while. My hamstring on that side just freaked out and stayed painful for days!

    My suggestion would be to try to keep it warm, don't bother it too much. These things can be pretty picky sometimes. Very light stretching. That's what worked for me!

    Good luck!

  • LovesIt

    April 22, 2012 at 9:34 am

    I pulled something, but I don't quite know what! I'm fine with normal activity, but if I sit on a hard surface I can feel it, and stretching seems to make it tighter. It's in my glut/hamstring area. I've been foam rolling the heck out of it, gotten a massage and have another scheduled.

    When it happened, I was in a front left split and leaning forward over my left leg. I can only describe the feeling as something "let go". I mentioned this to Alethea in a class I had with her recently, and she said to stretch and massage the heck out of it with a tennis ball! I know she knows what she's talking about, and it makes sense to do this, I just wish it would heal already! I swear I would have had my split by now if it wasn't for this! And I don't want to push it and further aggravate it. Sigh. 🙁

  • Dancing Paws

    April 22, 2012 at 10:05 am

    I think it is my gluteus medius that is giving me trouble. Might also be my TFL. It's right on the side of my hip towards the top. The weird thing is, I've been stretgthening my damn gluts for months now (including the medius muscle.) Last night I went into a crab position on my back (where you grab your big toes and pull your legs out to the side, with my knees bent.) At first it hurt, but I think my hip started to relax a little into that position, so I think I'm gonna do that position more.

    I don't actually carry a wallet. I'm more of a purse girl.

    I might try rubbing it with a tennis ball (if I can manage to hide one from my ball obsessed pup!)


    April 22, 2012 at 11:54 am

    Oh I can't stand that! I used to drive 10-12hrs every weekend and my hips act up now when I do a couple! Your whole body is cramped in the car. Stop to stretch at each gas station stop/bathroom stop or even a quick stop just to get out and stand up.Hope it feels better soon.

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