Forums Discussions Is anyone on here overweight……by a lot?

  • Is anyone on here overweight……by a lot?

    Posted by PoleFeline on April 22, 2012 at 6:59 am

    I just started pole dancing in March. Of course I'm addicted to it already. I'm definitely not very good. I am 49, in menopause and having hot flashes. That really makes getting a good grip difficult because I'm always sweating. Not painting a very pretty picture huh? Anyway, I'm also about 50lbs overweight. The studio where I take classes has women of all shapes but I think I'm the largest there. I have a really hard time with the sexy walk/moves. I just don't see myself as sexy. My instructor actually had me stop practicing spins, etc. the other day and told me to practice walking and floor moves. I have lost about 10lbs since I started and I have been highly motivated to lose weight since I started taking pole dancing but it's taking a really long time. I have this middle aged gut that I've never had before. I've always had a rock solid and flat stomach. There is NOTHING attractive about a pole dancer with a big gut. I just can't get past it. Any advice while I work at losing this weight?

    MissMegi77 replied 12 years, 6 months ago 13 Members · 14 Replies
  • 14 Replies
  • Americasntm

    April 22, 2012 at 7:20 am

    I would say keep at it. You're really not that bad off! I've seen bigger girls get up on that pole! I am 223lbs. My average weight is 130-145. So you can imagine how hard it is to do basic workouts. I was pushing 140. I'm 25. I just gained weight from not being active and eating. But I know how you feel. For me, it was like I needed to lose weight just so I could exercise so I could lose the excess weight. I would recommend working on strengthening your muscles. I couldn't do anything because my muscles weren't strong enough to do basic exercises. Once your muscles feel toned you'll be able to do alot of things. One thing I've learned about pole dancing classes it that you really don't work out alot (Depending on instructors). I've been to two different classes. The first studio I went to was one on one for the most part and that class kicked my ass. It was the best and worst 2 hours workout I have ever done. I went to a different class that had about 30 girls in it for 1 hour. I sweated and did the workout but when you calculate how long I actually worked out as we took turns it was probrably about 25-30 minutes. I would just be aware of that. I think most pole dance classes are geared towards having fun and not necessarily training you on pole dancing. I liked the first class I took because I was on that pole for 2 hours straight with a highly trained professional dancer. I think if you took a class like this…you would see results even faster. I  hate being overweight, I hate the sweating, I hate the thigh rubbing. But Just keep at it. Your muscles will get stronger and to me that is what makes for success. Not how long you've been actually on the pole. I stretched and toned my muscles and when I got my pole…I went upside down in like a firefighting spin! With no experience. It wasn't the prettiest but that was impressive and it was because I had the toning support! Keep at it. You'll lose the weight. How long do you pole at your classes? Do you have a pole at home?

  • Dancing Paws

    April 22, 2012 at 10:20 am

    I wouldn't say I'm overweight by a lot, but I'm overweight for sure. I need to lose the 20 lbs I gained from awful medications. I have the same issue of looking at myself compared to other girls and thinking I don't look as pretty doing the moves cuz I have some extra chub. It's so weird though, I'm bigger than pole girls, but I am smaller than most of my bellydance colleagues. I guess it evens out! Haha.

  • ellietobias

    April 22, 2012 at 11:38 am

    Doanything, I can so relate to your post.  I went through menopause in my mid 40's (am 51 now) and it was a bitch!  Have been struggling with my weight ever since…especially the dreaded middle age gut .  I took up pole last fall, and was a very slow progressing beginner until an injury forced me to take a couple months off, so now I'm in starting over mode.  I loved my studio classes and plan to go back to them soon, but sometimes it can get discouraging because, no matter how hard we try, it's really a struggle not to compare oneself to others.  I checked out your profile and it looks like you have a pole at home, yay!  I would suggest using Veena's lessons and focusing on the strength, flexibility and floor/transition work at home to complement your classes. When I am at home and not surrounded by my beautiful young skinny classmates and/or multiple images of myself in mirrors (like at the studio) it seems much easier to relax and enjoy the "sexy" moves….sometimes I actually start to feel a little sexy : ) .   I think it's awesome that you are taking up pole as you head into your fifties.  It won't come as easy as if you had done it in your twenties or thirties, it is a HARD sport and so you will need to be patient with yourself but I truly believe you will see immense physical and emotional benefits (this is a good pep talk for myself too!).  If you want an online buddy for support in weight loss and poling goals, let me know  ) !   All the best to you!

  • Meleania

    April 22, 2012 at 1:29 pm

    I started at 200lbs, so a BMI of 34. I could hardly hold on at all, but as I lost weight my muscles were used to pole dancing at 200lbs so when I got lighter it was easier and easier. I once put on 5lbs weights on my ankles and the difference was huge, and that was only 5lbs! Right now my BMI is 27.8 so I am still almost 50lbs above where I want to be so the muscles I am building now will help tremendously when I lose all the weight. Its still hard to look in a mirror. I heard that once you have the strength if you ever lose it it comes back way faster than if you were starting from scratch.

  • Masked Loopy II

    April 22, 2012 at 9:07 pm

    I'm also about 50ish pounds overweight and I'm often one of the larger girls in the group when I go to pole jams and workshops.  I think I just decided not to let it bother me.  I still feel sexy in my attitude and movement, and when I accomplish new goals.  My current mindset is that if I adapt the habits of my smaller pole pals, maybe I'll get to where they are one day.  I have moments where I feel down about myself, but it helps to remind myself of small improvements I've made.  For example, I know I've gotten stronger and I have more muscle definition.

  • GypsyKatt

    April 23, 2012 at 1:02 pm

    I’m 180 lbs myself…and I only stand 5’3″. Granted I carry it pretty well-I’m busty and thick in the booty, but still. I just keep working at the strength…and even my classmates will tell ya I can still make things look sexy. You’ve gotta be comfortable in your own skin. Keep at it!! 🙂

  • PersianXcursian

    April 24, 2012 at 4:50 pm

    I'm 5'5 and 170lbs. the way I see it, I'm going to be losing weight while working out so the extra weight just means I'm going to be even stronger when it comes off.

  • Jojo Mojo

    April 24, 2012 at 6:19 pm

    Sexy is a state of mind not a dress size…. I'm 5'3 and 220lbs and 42 years old…. Freakishly strong, flexible and sexy, not to mention fitter than some skinny girls… And I still get ID'd buying alcohol!  Pole is harder bigger, but I am stronger than ever… I gained this weight by stopping dieting- I am sick of the damn yo-yo and am letting my body do what it wants to… BUT no matter how big I get, pole is a part of my life and thats not going to change!

  • blondebird

    April 24, 2012 at 8:47 pm

    I agree with Josie, sexy is a state of mind and not a dress size! So true!

  • lolorashel

    April 24, 2012 at 10:51 pm

    I too agree that you can be sexy at any size. I weigh 250 pounds and, although I struggle with some moves, I am awesome at others. The more you practice, the more comfortable you will be with the moves and the sexier you will feel. 🙂

  • Layla Duvay

    April 25, 2012 at 3:05 am

    I am a 50-year-old with a big gut. I have strong abs, but I’ve had a big belly my entire life prompting people to tell me (even at my leanest) that I need to lose more weight. There is a certain amount of fat that WILL not go away and now I have large amounts of excess skin from child bearing that slide down when I’m inverted or bunch up when I’m in a splits. I FEEL sexy, though– sexy is as sexy does. So. Check out my fat- gut videos and pics and you be the judge as to the sexy. I feel some of you about being the heaviest girl in class! A lot of us just give up because pole is easier for the skinny Minnie’s and we gals of size are always raising eyebrows in our necessarily skimpy outfits. We can’t let it stop us, though. Power to everyone on this thread!!!

  • MissMegi77

    April 25, 2012 at 1:44 pm

    I'm the bigest girl in my class (BMI = 32) and to be honest I'm the best. 😀 Of course I fight to get some moves but I rock the others. I'm very strong because I have to carry more weight. Recently I lost only 3 kg and it makes a huge difference so I get motivation to lose more and pole will help me with that.

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