Forums Discussions Mother’s Day Women’s Fundraiser

  • Mother’s Day Women’s Fundraiser

    Posted by Ophidia on May 6, 2012 at 12:41 am

    Hi Veeners! 

    Every year our pole studio hosts a Mother-Daughter Pole Dancing & Pancake Brunch the Saturday before Mother's Day. We have a great turnout and it has always been lots of fun. Usually we charge admission, but this year we decided that Mother's Day would be a great day to honor women around the world, so we are making it a fundraiser for Women For Women International! It will be a free event, and all donations will go towards this fantastic organization. 

    If you have never heard of them, here is the link:

    I wanted to post this on here because I thought it would be cool if other pole studios/ dancers could join us in our fundraising for women on Mother's Day. Feel free to use the pancake brunch idea, or make your own! If you choose to donate to Women For Women Int, they have a page on their website of information to give people during fundraisers. 

    Let's show the world what the pole community is really about! Who's with us?? 🙂 

    Ophidia replied 12 years, 4 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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