Forums Discussions Will anyone be driving from SF/Bay Area to Pole Convention?

  • hookedonpole

    May 9, 2012 at 9:50 pm

    CalBear, I am driving to pole convention with two other gals.  One is from San Jose area and the other in Pleasanton.  However, we are leaving Wednesday because they are taking the xpole cert; and we are coming back Sunday.  We have yet to make final detail plans as far as where to meet, time, etc.  I don't know when you wanted to be there, but more than welcome to hitch with us.  Do you have a room or someone to share with?

  • MaliciousMynx

    May 11, 2012 at 9:51 pm

    Hey CalBear, I'm one of the other gals that hooked is talking about.  The more the merrier! I'm from Morgan Hill.  If you want you can meet up at my place and we can drive down together to pick up Hooked.  Message me or hooked if you are interested.  We are planning to meet soon to work out the details.  

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