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Shoulder Mount
Posted by Karen P on November 11, 2010 at 12:51 pmAny tips on how to build up to master this?
Karen P replied 14 years, 4 months ago 10 Members · 11 Replies -
11 Replies
What really helped me was doing reverse decline crunches. Basically on an inclined ab bench sit backwards. I would use the pads that you are supposed to wrap your feet under to grab on and then do reverse crunches and then bring my legs over my head. Yoga plows are really good for this too.
reverse decline crunches
At the end actually bring your hips into the air.
Chemgoddess has a great exercise. Do it!! I found that doing reverse shoulder mounts was also helpful–as many and as slowly and controlled as possible. I can’t tell you how many I did. Now I do them because I like them and I think they look awesome and bad-ass, but at one point they were mostly a strengthening move for me.
I learned it by doing the shoulder dismount, also – but you have to be very careful: make sure to go slow, that you do it next to the floor, and that you are very aware of where your body parts are in relation to the pole (it’s easy to get disoriented). Some people don’t recommend that you learn the dismount first, but I know that several people have learned the mount only after learning the dismount.
I thought of it like I was doing a forward roll off the pole, just with trying to hold it before your back touches the floor. Get your grip, tuck your chin a bit (not so much that your chin is touching your neck, though), curl your back, roll forward so your shoulder is against the pole and hold it there as you continue to roll your back down to the floor. Only let go with your legs when you know you won’t drop your back right to the floor – even if it’s just a couple inches, it hurts… lol Then over time, try to hover for a moment before going to the floor.
to do this reverse dismount, can you do this from basic invert like inverted crucifix? or what position can you do this from? (since i can’t do the shoulder mount yet)
I wouldn’t learn it from a Shoulder dismount unless your 100% sure of your placement of the arms and shoulders. Work on the shoulder mount from the floor first….this is not an easy BUT its the safest way to learn the mechanics of the move. Polebunny I see you said you’ll sign up for lessons soon so I’ll post a link here and you can save it for when you sign up. I"m sure some other members will pop in with other tips too.
Chem – I like the exercise! Ive been doing those crunches the other way (elvated bench but my feet are up in the air), to get my body used to being like that. Im gonna add that to my list of things to do at the gym.
there were some tips in this thread about getting a strong SM…
i would suggest the same thing as veena, and as i mentioned in the other thread- work it from the floor, so that you understand the positioning and the pressure you need to apply, what is engaged… then work it from the pole as a dismount. make sure you have someone spotting you the first few times, because if you aren’t properly engaged and really pulling the pole into your traps with your hands, you CAN slide right down… onto your head. not awesome. work plows and really strengthen your lower abs with leg raises before you try this move!
I too am working on my shoulder mount. I can do it, but it looks a bit sloppy. I’m trying to be controlled so it actually looks pretty! I’ve been doing what looks like the decline crunches that chemgoddess was talking about, but laying on my back on the floor and holding onto my pole with my hands above my head. Hopefully that makes sense!
You can also try standing on the floor in the shouldermount position and just begin with just bringing your legs up to your chest.
Wow! I am new here and I am much impressed with the level of support here! These are such great suggestions and I appreciate all of you! I will keep you updated on my progress!
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