How Many Times A Day Should I Be Stretching?
Hey, quick question……how many times a day should I be stretching to achieve the splits (front & middle). I've been doing splits training for the past 6 weeks. I started out doing it every other day but lately I've been doing it once a day for several days in a row. I kinda feel like once a day is not enough, especially when I take a rest day the next day. It just seems like everything has shrunk back to tightness the next time I stretch. I'm generally a positive person but I have to admit that it's a bit frustrating and discouraging. I thought I would be in my splits by now because I've always been somewhat flexy. Also, the pain that I feel when I try to relax and let gravity do the work is so intense-mainly in the hip flexor of the back leg and hammie of the front leg. I don't really feel super sore as I'm going about my day-maybe a tiny bit tender. I've started taking MSM in hopes that it offers some relief and results with my training. http://www.sunfood.com/personal-care-supplements/msm/msm-powder-16-oz-methyl-sulfonyl-methane.html
Suggestions please, thanks
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