Pole Pigrimage! :D
I need your suggestions and advice to help me organise my upcoming pole pilgrimage around the world! I am flying to India for 6 weeks in December (not sure if they have pole studios there but I'm going to try and stay fit with yoga, which they definitely have!). Then I'm travelling Myanmar and Vietnam and who knows where else in Asia. Then I plan on flying to America to visit some pole studios and train with some great pole instructors. I already have a short list of must-visit places, including:
LA, California, The Vertitude
The Gilr Next Door pole dance SOiree
New York CIty, Body n Pole
I think Texas may have a big pole community?
I'm also going to be visiting a friend in San Fransisco and maybe Hawaii…. any great pole scenes there?
Then I'm moving to Europe to get a job (prob in UK)
Need to visit:
Milan Pole Dance Studio, Italy
WHere is Oona's studio located? And Anastasia's?
ALso, what about Tracee Simmons, is she in SOuth Africa or UK? I know she's danced in both…
SO basically, I need the wonderful global pole dance community on SV to help me plan my training tour. If you know of any place that you think I would find really inspirational and educational in regards to pole dancing, then please let me know! Also, since I'm Australian, I'm not as familiar with overseas pole events/comps/functions/conventions as you might be, so please let me know where and when I should be if something big is happening! My main aim to develop new pole skills, but of course I would love the chance to perform as well! And make friends! 🙂 Any ideas will be very appreciated! xox
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