Forums Discussions Menstrual Cups?

  • Menstrual Cups?

    Posted by Lyme Lyte on September 30, 2012 at 11:23 am

    I just heard about a type of "cup" you put in your vagina when you have your period.  I hate tampons, they back me up and give me cramps, but yet I hate pads as well.  These cups you insert into the vagina and the blood is able to leave the uterus but is collected in this cup instead of oozing out.   They stay in place for up to 12 hours then you remove it, dump out the blood,  rinse, and put it back in!  Looking for feedback from the Veeners.  I know some of you use them, that is how I heard about it in the first place, but really, what the heck?

    SexyRockStarsWifeNowWidow replied 12 years ago 23 Members · 41 Replies
  • 41 Replies
  • MadisonsWorld

    September 30, 2012 at 11:33 am

    I use the Diva Cup for almost 2 yrs and LOVE it!!!! I will never go back to tampons…I don’t go 12 hrs, the most I will go is Abt 8 just to b sure I don’t leak when I am bleeding heavy…and that’s at night…u can leak if you go long but that has only happened to meonce and I was bleeding very heavy and didn’t realize that….its worth giving orbs try,it does take a bit getting used to putting it in and removing it,but its not extremely hard,I practiced before my cycle so I didn’t make a mess…its easy to clean and sanitize and comes with a little pouch to keep it in..if u try it,let me know how it goes

  • Krista Bocko

    September 30, 2012 at 11:35 am

    I posted on that thread! There are several brands–Diva Cup is one, and that's the brand I have. I love, love, LOVE it. I even found that it 'shortened' my period by an entire day. Because the cup sits up by the cervix and I wear it my whole period, there is no residual 'spotting'. Once the flow stops, it has all been caught by the cup, KWIM?

  • Lyme Lyte

    September 30, 2012 at 11:53 am

    And about how much do these costs?  I heard they were pricey, but I guess if you take into account not having to buy products every month, might even be cheaper!


  • Krista Bocko

    September 30, 2012 at 12:04 pm

    $30 maybe? I’ve had mine for over four years. Yep, way cheaper.

  • SashaMae

    September 30, 2012 at 12:17 pm

    I LOVE Instead Soft Cups. I use 1 or 2 a day. I started using them about 5 cycles ago and I’ll never go back!!

  • Mary Ellyn

    September 30, 2012 at 12:29 pm

    I've used the Instead Soft cups and they aren't very expensive. Not much more than tampons.

    However they don't seem to work for as long at the package suggests. I don't know about the reusable ones but since they are :"one size fits all" they aren't going to fit everyone perfectly.
    On a heavier flow day I couldn't got more than about 4 hours without changing or it would leak.

    However I really liked using them and you can have intercourse with them in so if you are the type that doesn't like to have sex when you have your period this can make it easier.

  • darling dearest

    September 30, 2012 at 12:42 pm

    I was thinking about starting a topic on alternative menstrual products!

    I've been using a Lunette for every period for the last year or so. It's a soft silicone cup like the Diva Cup is. There are loads and loads of different brands available and they have different styles, sizes, and colours so research your options!! Unlike the Soft Cups, these menstrual cups can be reused for years and are safe for those with IUDs (like me) to use. I've not tried the Soft Cup so I can't tell you much about that, but I do love my Lunette. 🙂 Yay

  • PoleFitMom

    September 30, 2012 at 12:50 pm
  • Mechie

    September 30, 2012 at 3:12 pm


    I use the Moon Cup, I bought it on Amazon for $17 with free shipping. 


    "The Cup" will be one of the BEST investment you ever spent!! I LOOOOVE my cup!!  I was using tampon before I discovered the cup on one of veena's forum here (the link PoleFitMom posted).  It's will LITERALLY change your life!!


    TMI here —–


    When I go on vacation now, all I need is to grab a couple of panty liner and my cup.  And I don't need to carry anything else with me once my cup is in and panty is lined.  The first couple of days (when the flow is heavy) you will need to empty your cup more often (like 2-3 hours), toward the end of the period, I can just leave my cup in for 6-8 hours at a time.  No issue.  It's awesome!!!


    I tried the Lunette (I spent $40) and I hated it because the material is too soft where the cup won't "open"  inside me, hence, caused leaking.  The Moon Cup is made of thicker silicon where I don't have any issue with leaking, I pop it in, it opens up, I'm all set.


    Every girls body is different, so you might need to try different brand to find the right one for you.  


    I love my cup so much I want and bought 2 more, one as a back up and leave one at work for "emergency".


    Tips….bring a small cup/bottle of water with you if you want to rinse out the cup mid-day — when you're not in a stall with a sink, a bottle of water works awesome.  


  • Lyme Lyte

    September 30, 2012 at 5:15 pm

    I just bought a Diva cup on Amazon for $27.00 which has shipping included.  I wasn't sure on the size.  I ordered the Pre 30/no children.  I have two kids, but toth C-sections and since I am only 5ft, I figured the smaller one might be better.  Excited!

  • darling dearest

    September 30, 2012 at 5:51 pm

    I hope it works out for you! Size totally depends on your flow and on how comfortable you are with putting things down there!

  • calipolepixie

    September 30, 2012 at 8:10 pm

    Great timing I actually ironicly was JUST looking into all this yesterday because I get toxic shock from tampons, so I am stuck with pads which I hate but don't have too much other choice. I tried the instead cups a few years back. They worked ok but I did have a leaking issue with them and you have to deal with alot of blood with the cups and I wasnt digging that. I

    I just found these other two a few days ago that I heard are also good and I am thinking about trying them because I hate that when I am on my period I can't do pole or anything else because I am just so uncomfortable & bleeding like a stuck pig. 


  • darling dearest

    September 30, 2012 at 8:20 pm

    To those who do use reusable menstrual cups like the Diva cup, Moon cup, etc… do you find that it shifts while you're in certain poses? The last time I tried to do a shoulder roll I think my cup shifted a bit and I started to leak. 🙁

  • SexyRockStarsWifeNowWidow

    September 30, 2012 at 8:29 pm


    I adore my cup, and the website above is chock full of information about the different types of cups and other reusable menstrual items. I know everyone is always so quick to recomend Diva but it's the largest out there on the market. There are many many other brands available, granted they will come from overseas and you also get many more varieties and colours. Soft Cups are alright, but they always seem to want to twist inside me while trying to insert them.

    @Tea; I haven't noticed my cup shifting while poling yet, but I'm still pretty new and not doing real power moves quite yet.


    P.S. Reason why I am real big on people checking out the livejournal site is because of all the info available, I don't want someone to spend the money on the cup and find out that size/style didn't work for them and have to go back to square one. I originally bought the Diva myself and it didn't work for me so had to start over again. I did find one that works for me and it's the MeLuna.

  • darling dearest

    September 30, 2012 at 8:50 pm

    Thanks for linking the LJ community 😀 I wanted to find it but I haven't been on it in ages.

    The bigger Lunette is more rigid than the smaller one so I don't think it would have any issues keeping its shape once its inside, and I always check to see it's placed under my cervix. I don't know what the issue is but it's awkward when I'm trying to roll over and it's like "oops, sprung a leak."

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