I just need to let it out…
Anyone here ever feel resentment against their own parent? I am.
To make a long story short — I got into a fight with my mom today; the topic was on buying a house. My mom wants to buy a house that's close to the city, convenient, yet at a cheap price. I explain it to her that's not realistic, everything has a price. Then she went on and on how she can't buy a house now because of family…etc. And I said….(I really shouldn't have said it)
I said — "Everything you do has consequences. When you choose to live a luxurious life, there’s a price — all your LV, Chloe, Chanel bags and shoes have a price. Some people choose to save, you chose to spend."
My mom — "You are so ungrateful!! I spend so much money on you and your sister!! I earn my own money, why can't I spend it on things that I want to buy??"
I said — "You are an adult, you have responsibilities as a parent to raise your children. You also have your own financial obligations such as bills, rent…etc. For example, I choose to pay for all the tuition on both my degrees on my own and never asked you or dad for a dime, that's my choice and my responsibility — I'm not blaming it on you."
My mom — "You are SO ungrateful…I raised you, I GAVE you life, I NEVER ask you for money…You should go to your church and tell them how you treat your parents….etc…etc…etc."
By that time, I didn't want to fight anymore…I just went to shower. And here I am. Venting…
(Thanks for those who are still reading!)
Background information — I started working at the age of 14. I moved out by the time I was 18/19. I NEVER ask my parents for money, ever. On the other end, my mom, CONSTANTLY ask me for money…and I used to give it to her without questions, because I feel like she's my mom. Then the situation got worse, she ONLY ask me for money, not my sister (even though back then my sister makes almost twice as much as I do) — the situation got so bad where my mom will just call me and said "Transfer $250 (or $300, $400, $500…) to my account NOW". I'm not exaggerating.
During my last vacation in NOLA, I was on the street and my mom just called and said those words to me. I was on the STREET in a different STATE…when I can't transfer the money on my phone, she got upset at me. — I'm not stingy to my parents, when my mom got laid off last year, I feel bad, I gave her $1,000 cash so she can go and take a mini vacation to cheer herself up. But, my mom will ONLY ask ME for money…I asked her to ask my sister and she will always find excuse for my sister "Oh she needs her money for blah…and blah…." (My mom has then found a job…)
If anyone wonders she ever pays me back, the answer is No. She used to say "Let me borrow $xx from you, I'll pay you back — yeah right. The time I got REALLY upset was when I lend her MY OWN rent money, telling her it's my rent money and I'm trusting her to pay me back on time…Ofcourse, that didn't happened. Lesson learned.
Not only on money…but on ANY help…my mom will always as ME to help her…not my sister. For example, I live 2 hours away from her…and my sister lives 10 min away from her. When my mom has a doctor appointment and need a ride, she'll call me up and ask me to drive her. I asked "How come you're not asking my sister? She lives waaaay closer" Her answer "Because it's not good for her job to take time off, she's very busy" — What about me?? I'm your daughter too.
All these stories are only tip of an avalanche….I have so much resentment against my mom…it's not even funny. I feel like she's the one who's being ungrateful, yet, she will always turn the table around and point finger at me.
I know I’m not a perfect daughter, but honest to God, I’m doing a pretty darn good job in taking care of her in any way I can! I’m just so sick of it…so sick of her…so sick of the topic of money…
Oh another “classic” – I told her I won’t give her money anymore to spend on luxurious things, I will only help her on ‘emergency’. Guess what she does then? She’ll spend all her money on “things” then come and ask me to help her with her bills and rent. Can you believe this??
I don't know what I can do…it's not like I can choose my own parent….I just want to cry… Sniffle…Sniffle…
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